DD said ...
"Also, we’ve all seen the new commercial style buildings that can be easily flipped and turned into a Kinkos or CVS."
Yes. Here in the UK in the list I put in my post on the previous page, the halls being sold in Bath and Bristol are the older valuable listed buildings from the Victorian era - the buildings bought and converted by the earliest congregations in the UK - bought cheaply just after WW2 and now in prime property spots fetching 500K up to £1 million pounds. And this is not the real prime area of London where the old branch is being stripped to pay for Chelmsford and then SOME £££££!
The congregations that are being moved from them intact (as opposed to the ones being dissolved) are being moved out to share 3 or 4 to a hall into the 1980's "quickbuild" halls about five to ten miles away - further in rural areas.
These are much less valuable - may be £100/150K.
No new builds round here. (West of England and South Wales) Just rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic but slowly enough to make millions from it.
And of course every dissolved congregations assets go where? Every moved congregations assets go where? LONDON then NEW YORK