JoinedPosts by Initiate
Hyghlandyr's Sperm Donor's Felony Record
by Initiate inhi this is hyghlandyr.
for the naysayers out there who claim my story isnt real here is a info on one part of my story (more to follow on other issues later).
Hyghlandyr's Sperm Donor's Felony Record
by Initiate inhi this is hyghlandyr.
for the naysayers out there who claim my story isnt real here is a info on one part of my story (more to follow on other issues later).
Hi this is Hyghlandyr. For the Naysayers out there who claim my story isnt real Here is a info on one part of my story (more to follow on other issues later)
Then click the drop down list and choose OFFENDER SEARCH
In the LAST NAME box type FRANTZ
In the FIRST NAME box type THOMAS
Then click the SEARCH button.
Only one record will come up:
THOMAS M FRANTZ A 258011 19431203 GSI, FEL SEXUAL PENETRATION, RAPEClick the number A 258011 and you will be linked to his record.
And just to sweeten the deal, I have added it as a link onto my website on geocities at:
And for convenience here is his record here as best as I can display it:
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
Notice the date of admission is July 13, 1992. Date of Release Sept 2, 1994. SUSPENDED SENTENCE. Just over two years (sorry my year and a half comment was wrong in my story....I hope no one takes it personal that I was off by around seven months.) On a 6 to 15 year sentence he is out in 2. TWO!
Offender DataTHOMAS M FRANTZ -A 258011
Committing County CUYAHOGA
Date of Admission (yyyymmdd) 19920713
Status RELEASED - 19940902
Parole or Release Detail SUSPENDED SENTENCESentence Information
Stated Prison Term
(crimes committed on or after 7/1/96)
Definite Sentence 1 1/2 Years
Indefinite Sentence Minimum: 6 Years
Maximum: 15 Years
Next Parole Hearing Date --------The above information may not contain a complete list of sentencing information for each offender.
Any person, agency or entity, public or private, who reuses, publishes or communicates the information available from this server shall be solely liable and responsible for any claim or cause of action based upon or alleging an improper or inaccurate disclosure arising from such reuse, re-publication or communication, including but not limited to actions for defamation and invasion of privacy.
Questions concerning the information contained in these documents should be sent via the U.S. Mail to the appropriate correctional institution, attn: Record Office. Addresses are available at www.drc.state.oh.us/mapserve/inst.htm.Any questions now? My name is listed below in my signature. Anyone wanna verify my claims?
Thanks Rico for helping me find this info!
Who is going to Kentucky Vigil?
by Hyghlandyr inwho among yall are goin to the vigil?
as it turns out i will probably be leaving tomorrow morning early so i can make it first to evansville and then from there go to benton.
does anyone wanna hang out with hygh and jiloawybhon (mark) on thursday night?
Sounds good Bro. I should be there.
Ok well Just ask for Joe Frantz's room, I will probably be in the silent lambs hotel, which I think is motel 8
Who is going to Kentucky Vigil?
by Hyghlandyr inwho among yall are goin to the vigil?
as it turns out i will probably be leaving tomorrow morning early so i can make it first to evansville and then from there go to benton.
does anyone wanna hang out with hygh and jiloawybhon (mark) on thursday night?
Ah cool Yerusalim. I will be the one with the ugly mug (face), long hair, beard, buck tooth, bow legged. Hair toes. To the chicks, I am the one with the beautiful visage, long hair, beard, buck toothed, bow legged. Hairry toes.
But seriously I think I will get a sign that says Hyghlandyr.....
Fair enough?
Who wrote this stuff?
by Cygnus ini don't feel like i am a mindless robot and i resent the implication.. most jws try their sincere best when it comes to practising godly devotion, but isn't the 1000 yr. reign supposed to unroot all our bad tendencies?.
here in new york and across the usa racial tensions between 'blacks and whites' are very strong.
for some of that to spill into our brotherhood is natural.
Thanks Osarsif
Checking it out when I get back.
Who is going to Kentucky Vigil?
by Hyghlandyr inwho among yall are goin to the vigil?
as it turns out i will probably be leaving tomorrow morning early so i can make it first to evansville and then from there go to benton.
does anyone wanna hang out with hygh and jiloawybhon (mark) on thursday night?
Hehe MPatrick. Aye it was intended to remind yall of things like that heheheheeheheheh.
Anyhow I was gonna go down friday. but I have to go to evansville anyhow to pick up my check. So I figured why the hell not just go thursday and hang out. If anyone is down there fine, if not then I will hit the pool with mark...
Is there anyone that DOESNT know who I am?
by Initiate inis there anyone on this board that doesnt know who i am?
or who actually thinks i am hiding?
just a quick question from the chat since someone mentioned that this thread was being sneaky.....as if i am trying to hide my identity.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=27901&site=3#361172.
BTW for future reference...I think I might use this sign on for my fluff posts. Or maybe I should use this for my serious posts and Hyghlandyr for my fluff posts. Any suggestions?
Or maybe I should use initiate for the chat room. And Hyghlandyr for my posts? Or maybe I should register all my nicks, and have simon delete them all. So that way no one can use them and claim to be me. Or maybe I should go pee.
Is there anyone that DOESNT know who I am?
by Initiate inis there anyone on this board that doesnt know who i am?
or who actually thinks i am hiding?
just a quick question from the chat since someone mentioned that this thread was being sneaky.....as if i am trying to hide my identity.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=27901&site=3#361172.
Hi! Is there anyone on this board that DOESNT know who I am? Or who actually thinks I am HIDING?
Just a quick question from the chat since someone mentioned that this thread was being sneaky.....as if I am trying to hide my identity.
Btw the answer is on page five...but I will give you a Clue, I am a God who is the founder of Nothingism, the Church of the Un. Oh I like black broads and I am Irish.....
Well the Prize goes to Plum and Cassiline. Plum for being fairly good at figuring me out. She was pretty decisive. I will explain the poems later. SHe was on the right track with a couple of the lines, but a bit off on others.
And Cassiline Good job. Remeber I always tell everything about me on here. Including my name, and where I am from and so forth. So when I come on and create another name, there will be little doubt that it is me. Except of course if I did something like this, but then that fun lasts a couple hours and you know it is me.
Cass if you are on yahoo right now send me a pm lass. And smoooooches for yer hard detective work. However did you find that post of mine?
Darlin, anyone that likes Ole Ini, under any name, is most certainly