broadway shows
giants or jets
yankees or mets
i'll start -.
boston red sox.
irish rock bands.
broadway shows
giants or jets
yankees or mets
i'll start -.
boston red sox.
irish rock bands.
shamus - they keep their monkeys in a zoo. no bananas for you!
i'll start -.
boston red sox.
irish rock bands.
i'll start -
Boston Red Sox
Irish Rock Bands
New York City
one last one and i will leave -
appliances and automobiles as lawn ornaments
now that i have been barred from the south, guess i will move up with the northerners.
but sylvia, i am from the south. it's like fat people, its ok to make fun of them if you are fat. just like southerners, its ok if you are southern.
corn cobs for toilet paper
giggin frogs
ned beatty movies
smokey and the bandit
any clint eastwood movie with primates in it
any vegetable as long as it is beer battered and deep fried
fat women and skinny men holding hands at carnivals
i was in for 30 ex was an elder...."holy spirit appointed" he tortured me....i was married 33+ know,,,marriage is can leave,,,i know,,,,if abuse is intolerable....but that starts a series of events...etc etc etc....i finally left everything...and moved far away.....people actually believe "holy spirit" appoints people,,,my ex would not pray unless there was an know,,,,people invited over for supper kind of thing,,,you get the point..... my best friend had a mental breakdown,,,,she basically became psychotic.....had to be hospitalized....she took up smoking,,,got disfellowshipped...and lost all emotional this day,,,,as far as i know,,,she is still disfellowshipped...needs to be hospitialized every so often....she is on complete disability.....and still trying to get back into the org....her mother does support some what,,,,even though she is a witness herself,,,,,takes her to assemblies,,,,memorial,,,etc,,,,this has gone on for years.....she cannot mentally handle the organization,,,nor can she mentally handle not being a witness...lost everything....guilt....etc..... did not mean to ramble on so much......i have mental scars that will not go away....because i stayed in a "mess" for god,,,,i could write page after page of things like the being my "last straw".......curious about you here on the board....any specific "breaking point" or a collection of many things..... thanks for your in put...peaches.
last straw - the people