Well, now that was something I've never thought of before... Well worth the time it takes to read it...
Inq of the getting naked class LOL
i had someone email this to me and thought it was hilarious.
i wonder how many other funny things there are out there like this one, from those on the outside.
not to mention this is a hilarious twist to scripture!
Well, now that was something I've never thought of before... Well worth the time it takes to read it...
Inq of the getting naked class LOL
in the light of day, and over a nice cup of tea, sanity returns.
the problems which once seemed so big are reduced to their correct proportions, and i am left feeling more than a little embarassed over my role in the events of the past 24 hours.
i didn't realize i had a drama queen buried inside waiting to be activated.
Hey BT...
You're a gem of a man. Nice to see your brand of sincerity on the board, along with so many others here. It warms me very heart.
I had no problem with the way you handled the situation. You defended your daughter, plain and straight. Some of us need a good wake up call once in a while lest we become complacent in our own attitudes... and IMHO, you provided a very good one.
Thank you
Just to note Lady Lee's and Simon's ideas... both I think are very good ones... I like the parental moderator tools too. if I had a young one (mine is now a young man of 18 and can handle his own now) I would most definately appreciate that...I can tell you that having raised a son on my own, finding that kind of outlet for them, especially as they are very tactile with technology now, is very rare. I tried several online sites for children (been online for some time ) and good ones are very hard to find. I enjoy seeing the young express themselves... they are quite guileless, very charming and I love their innocent brilliance... but that's me... I'm a Mom....
i was thinking today that it would be usefull and most definitely appropriate to have some kind of designation for an underage user here, besides the birthday thing, which obviously could be used and abused by someone.
i was thinking maybe a small icon .
Hi Phantom...
I agree, I don't think posting an age is necessary... I think it might help children from being hurt though if the fact that they were kids was a little easier to glean... but I think mostly, posters need to be aware that there are children here... and to make sure of ourselves before we reply to them.... checking someone's profile is pretty easy... and a signature with something along those lines would be most helpful..
Toodles for now
i was thinking today that it would be usefull and most definitely appropriate to have some kind of designation for an underage user here, besides the birthday thing, which obviously could be used and abused by someone.
i was thinking maybe a small icon .
I see whatcha mean Simon... that is a bit tricky.... maybe a good suggestion is for the parents to put something like "I'm a kid... " in the signature so that everyone will have a chance to know when they read the post that it is by a child... but more importantly I suggest that we as posters do a bit of research before we answer posts... I think it's only fair.... especially since there are children who do post here, even if they are in the minority... no pun intended... lol
Just my 2
i was thinking today that it would be usefull and most definitely appropriate to have some kind of designation for an underage user here, besides the birthday thing, which obviously could be used and abused by someone.
i was thinking maybe a small icon .
I think that's a great idea... or something along those lines.... Whaddaya think Simon?
okay...so i'm invited to a baby shower for my daughter-in-law which will most likely be attended by myriads upon myriads of jw's.
i won't go into the nasty details...but they've been married four years now and have another little daughter...their wedding was boycotted by most jw's because she was not baptized yet (but grew up a jw)...and my son was.
so every since the wedding fiasco...they have been pretty much shunned by the jw's...and attend meetings infrequently.
Hi Had....
I'd just say... I know.....I'd miss me too...
short, sweet, simple and fececious as heck... lol. I mean.. what can they reply?
hope this gets to you in time...
Inq... of the wisecrackin class....
roll call,
where the heck is frannie??????
some of us are worried due to her silence!!!!
Yeah! That's whose been missing... I thought something was amiss... Hey Fran, hope all is well...
two high ranking watchtower officials admit to quite a lot in these official committee hansard documents.
if you are one of jehovah's witnesses, perhaps you would like to read how two senators take the watchtower officials apart piece by piece.
especially on the blood issue, several times the watchtower officials walk right into a wall.. the watchtower officials admit that the tax imposed by france could cripple the entire organization.
Very interesting read... basically two issues were raised that were pertinent to the discussion.. blood transfusions to minors and adoption biases... maybe it was in the WT's submission... which I would love to read... but the arguments seemed to lack any case substantiation.... a lot of talk about Europe, and Russia... but not much on Australia itself...
It is interesting, the spin that is... concentrating of freedom of worship... in the ministry... but no mention of freedom of worship inside the religion... that's were the WT falls off it's onion.... I think the hearings would have done well to hear from members of these organisations and questions put to them on what their views were in terms of the populace in general, and their individual freedoms... I think that would give a more informed picture of the effects on the populace of the teachings of these various orgs...
But all in all.. definately a keeper...
wt article quotes are in
quotes from other wt publications are in
we have been encouraged to do everything possible (a "do more" phrase) to promote true worship so that we may walk in god's name forever.. .
Hi Blondie...
I really enjoy your reviews of the articles... I read them all.. thanks again for doing them... I think it's pretty awesome of you...
here's the good news: after six years of working at night so we didn't have to leave the children with people we didn't know (or, worse still, witnesses), big tex got a day job!!!!!
his law firm decided that they didn't want to lose him -- they knew he was interviewing for day jobs -- so found him a spot in the daytime.
we signed the kids up for the school's after-school program, which is excellent, and it is so incredibly wonderful to have him home at night!
Hi Nina...
I just want to tell you that I have a friend who worked her way back to health regarding osteoporosis... she's been working on it for about 4 or 5 years now and is doing very well... she's gained back a lot of density... excercise does work, and walking... lots of walking... diet is good too... stop drinking pop!..... pop bad, water good... eat well and work out girl! Lift them weights... build that body...
Sorry to hear about those fibroids... they suck... but, I know people who have had hysterectomies and have no problems with it at all... I actually envy them...but I hear you on the attachment thing.. I hate surgeries period but we have to do what we have to do...
sending my best wishes... and congrats for hubby... nice to have family time together!