I must give in to the admission that you are the bigger in elements of self-control than I :) Good on yer beksbks!!
Ok, umm yes,, I was a J W.., and have not as yet fomally 'cut the cord'. for reasons of spouse and in-laws.
Yes, I understand what you are saying..about the treatment 100 years ago, and that sure i t would ha ve been a whole lot worse. Correct! And that surely would have been quite awful..! Sure. As to Zim's 'tumultuous past'.. ah no! They were literally the chief provider of food for the bulk of Africa, due to very productive commercial farming. Yes, under the "Ian Smith" governance, there was (after he declared U D I , or Unilateral Declaration of Independence ..from U.K.) some degree of unfair treatment.. but nothing at all approaching the genocide in (formerly German South West Africa) and by King Leopold of Belgium in the <then>Belgian Congo,.. with wholesale slaughter..! (And yes, showing how evil those times were, in comparison with now).
But, it was particularly after the "Land invasions" and racist actions of the so-called war veterans of the former "war of Liberation" that preceded the Independence of Zimbabwe that led to collapse of its agicultural sector and too its economy (as Governor of the Reserve Bank, Gideon Gono; printed money like it was tissue paper, to fund numerous ...) anyway these combination of factors led collectively to Zim's currently being a 'failing state'.
Indeed; I wish the U S did or would help in the case of Zim.. but no way!! Anyhow, the current (so-called) Unity Government is really a farce, IMO; and too the opposition ( Movement for Democratic Change, or M D C..who has now its leader M. Tsvangiri as Prime Minister) has had his wife 'accidently killed' in a head-on collision two weeks after he was inaugerated! His grand-daughter 'drowned' just weeks thereafter.. is it little wonder he is ( n o w ) making 'noises' that sound like "we're all having a Summer Holiday"...
Oh, I mistakenly failed to mention the author of "BATTLE FOR ZIMBABWE" is Geoff Hill. It outlines and pointedly ..with good reason.. shows that as long as Mugabe is at the helm (and he is, and shall remain so).. then there is suffering and it is worsening. I do hope things 'change'..
My studies are in African Politics (its my 'area of speciality' , so to speak.. at the University of South Africa , or UNISA).. and while I understand you speak of 'the world in general'.. I personally have spent time as well in South America, and have family and friends in India..and family in Central America.. collectively a larger portion of people in these countries experience terrible suffering, and t m k medical advantage is more limited to those who can afford it. I care to repeat to emphasize -- 1 Billion live in Africa alone.. that is at least one in seven -- a sizeable proportion.. AND bear in mind things are quite skewed , respectfully ; as most of those without means to proper nutrition can NOT 'argue their case' over the net.. as we can.. the silent ( x?x % ). Who is to 'speak on their behalf' . ? With thanks for reading and responding :)