Why a new magazine format? The only reason I can think of for that is that the WTS need money and the only way to get a bit more incomes is keeping busy the JW buying and selling. They denostate the inactives, including the rotative press.
Posts by torre
WTBTS 2010 AGM notes (GAG alert)
by billyboy in<!-- @page { margin: 2cm } p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> .
here are some highlights from the 2010 annual meeting;.
branch overseers/representatives from around the world gave greetings from their branch and gave some encouraging experiences from the field.
WTBTS 2010 AGM notes (GAG alert)
by billyboy in<!-- @page { margin: 2cm } p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> .
here are some highlights from the 2010 annual meeting;.
branch overseers/representatives from around the world gave greetings from their branch and gave some encouraging experiences from the field.
To add a bit more information from the Annual Meeting, you can read below what was sent to me by a friend of mine still an elder in UK. I don't know if everything might be confirmed.
"A new simplified English edition of the Watchtower including study articles. Will start in mid 2011 and will run for a trial period of 1 year. 2. Pilot program to shepherd District overseers and their wives. Bethel representatives will be sent out to spend a week with them during the host week with a congregation and then will attend the circuit assembly with them. This will start this year in US and in 2 years go to other countries. 3. As of Sept. 1, 2011 there will be 2 classes a year of Branch School as well as Traveling Overseer school. Why? so that those who have already attended may come for a second time along with those who have not yet been through the school. 4. M.T.S. it now changes to "Bible School for Single Brothers" (so far 37,445 have attended) 5. New school!!! "Bible School for Christian Couples" 2-month course similar to the former M.T.S. but many classes also for sisters, some days they will preach while husbands attend. Sent out afterwards as reg. or special pioneers. Perhaps even to be missionaries in other countries. Must be married and pioneering for at least 2 years less than 50 years old and interested in being used more fully. First class july-august of 2011 where is will start at Patterson, later to be worldwide."
When will they appoint new GB members...
by Mickey mouse in...and who do you think they will be?.
William Malenfant doesn't belong to the annointed class as far as I know. Iknew him in 1998 when he came to Spain along with Gerrit Losch. The new branch was dedicated and they both gave the main talks. Malenfant was very warm in his approaching and his talks very interesting. Otherwise, he was not one of the annointed ones at that time.
Obviously, taking into account that if you aren't one of the "annointed" you won't get the power, he might think twice about it and started to be one of the partakers in the memorial meetings. Then he may be one of the candidates.
The other posibility would be to change the doctrine as a new light regarding how Governing Body don't need to be part of the 144.000 anymore. I'm sure that after a couple of hours of brainstorm in the GB meeting they would be able to find a few chapters in the Bible supporting the new teaching.
Spain: The Ajalvir Bethel News / Infringement claim
by torre insubject: infringement claim.
to sergi and octavi centelles.
dear sirs,.
More information comes up thanks to JHK who posted in the Spanish board.
Agustí Centelles i Ossó Heirs
Barcelona, 23th March 2010
Issue: Judicial demand for photographic use without permission
Sergi and Octavi centelles i Martí have ordered their lawyers to lodge a complaint before the court against “Jehovah’s witnesses” organisation due to the use without permission, authorisation, authorship omission, picture mutilation and worldwide use of an image made by Agustí Centelles i Ossó.
The religious organisation got a photographic copy without use permission, from the History town Institut of Barcelona city council. During the purchase of the photographic copy, they omit the worldwide circulation not observing the use terms of the delivery note nor handing over complimentary copies to the archive.
The picture was taken during Lleida bombing in November 1937, and it shows a woman crying before de dead body of her husband. This picture was published in “La Atalaya” magazine the 15 February 1994, page 3.
After a year of negotiations trying to avoid a jucial demand by reaching an agreement, and before the “Jehovah’s witnesses” organisation attitude, the Agustí Centelles i Ossó heirs have feel forced to lodge a demand against them, for the use of this picture published in a magazine in more of 116 languages. And, afterwards, it has been re-use in a book in several editions without print-run date.
The object of this demand is the recognition of the author, and fair compensation for moral and material damages as consequence of its use; always with all the due respect to the beliefs of each society group.
This case is the first of several claims for illegal uses of Agustí Centelles i Ossó pictures. Other publishers have simply tried “to steal” the authorship by stating “unknown author”.
Barcelona, 23th March 2010
Sergi and Octavi Centelles i Martí
Tel. 607 93 85 72 -
Spain: The Ajalvir Bethel News / Infringement claim
by torre insubject: infringement claim.
to sergi and octavi centelles.
dear sirs,.
Subject: Infringement Claim
To Sergi and Octavi Centelles
Dear Sirs,
On March 30, 2009, we received your letter concerning a photograph that appeared in the January 15, 1994, issue of The Watchtower. You ask for a reply by April 6, 2009.
We understand that you have already communicated with the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain, and we believe that you will receive a letter from that office very soon.
Please direct any future correspondence about this matter to the office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain.
Very truly yours,
Richard Moake
Associate General CounselWatch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
100 Watchtower Drive
Patterson, NY 12563The whole information (in Spanish) in the links below, with pictures and letter from Alberto Lopez (Spanish branch commitee coordinator).
http://testigoscristianosdejehova.blogspot.com/2009/02/la-sociedad-watchtower-y-sus-maestrias.html -
by tjlibre in1981. que es, pues, la generacion que de ningun modo pasara .
algunas de ellas no pasaran de ningun modo hasta que sucedan todas las cosas.
1914... la generacion que no pasara.
Here you have the right link for www.extj.com/foro as this link is not working anymore:
by tjlibre in1981. que es, pues, la generacion que de ningun modo pasara .
algunas de ellas no pasaran de ningun modo hasta que sucedan todas las cosas.
1914... la generacion que no pasara.
Another site very sharp, funny and fully sarcastic is
Where Are You From?
by finallysomepride inalot of members don't have a flag or country name beside their user name, and well frequently one doesn't know where that particular person is from, tell us your country, state, county or what ever you feel like giving out.
if you are going to post please at least devulge your country.. me, i'm originally from taranaki, new zealand via auckland.
for the most of this decade i have been living & working in brisbane, queensland, australia.. .
Teel I'd like something permanente which appears when replying automatically with a picture as well.
Where Are You From?
by finallysomepride inalot of members don't have a flag or country name beside their user name, and well frequently one doesn't know where that particular person is from, tell us your country, state, county or what ever you feel like giving out.
if you are going to post please at least devulge your country.. me, i'm originally from taranaki, new zealand via auckland.
for the most of this decade i have been living & working in brisbane, queensland, australia.. .
Thak you Teel, here we go.
Where Are You From?
by finallysomepride inalot of members don't have a flag or country name beside their user name, and well frequently one doesn't know where that particular person is from, tell us your country, state, county or what ever you feel like giving out.
if you are going to post please at least devulge your country.. me, i'm originally from taranaki, new zealand via auckland.
for the most of this decade i have been living & working in brisbane, queensland, australia.. .
If I haven't flag is because I don't know how to insert it. If I knew I'd do it as well as a picture. Anyone have a clue????