How do I conclude how he views what a woman's purpose is:
We soon had five daughters who had the potential of becoming the same thing she was. The way that women have been reduced to second class citizens and taken advantage of down over the years has always grieved me. Therefore I tried my best to give them not only the knowledge of what they were, but a respect and appreciation for how they were created. That meant giving them a knowledge and understanding of the entire process.
They understood the monthly menses and their purpose just as soon as they were old enough to comprehend, and in fact, I still laugh about one occurrence that happened when the oldest were only two and three years old. They came in the house one hot summer afternoon in Southern California and ran up to the arm of the recliner where I was sipping a glass of ice water and reading the newspaper, while trying to cool down after a hot day's work. "Daddy, will you tell us about the birds and the bees?"