I last long enough as a study to 'get dipped'.... curiousity (and previous- little knowledge of the bible), is why I accepted a study. My study wasn't a failure... I learned that it deffinatly WAS NOT the truth- so I didn't join.
If I had been living in different circumstances/if I had just suffered the loss of a family member/if I didnt have other sources of credible information available to check or the internet.... then I very well could have been bought, hook line and sinker.
I was just wondering what made some of you join after being subjected to freedom your whole life. What drew you?
Curiousity, and the propect of a better way to raise my children.... sometimes the smartest parents will make the dumbest discissions in their attempt to 'give their children, a better life, than the one they had'... BFB- your Dad is still a smart man, he just made a dumb discission, because he loves you... he needs it to be the truth, because if it isn't, how will he protect you????