JoinedTopics Started by Lillith26
An email from my MIL- funny but so true!
by Lillith26 injust before the funeral services, the undertaker came up to the very elderly widow and asked,.
'how old was your husband?'.
'98,' she replied, 'two years older than me'.
Practicing Christian Deism- long.
by Lillith26 inwhen jesus said, "you shall love .
what did jesus mean by "love your enemy?
so what did jesus mean when he said, "love your enemy"?
Just found this- refusing blood for minors
by Lillith26 ini when to many 'meetings' at the kh as a study, and i also watched the dvd the wtbts use to premote their no blood propaganda, but i dont remember anything being said about how legal it is to refuse blood for minors in our own country!
in australia their are laws in place to protect children from the 'religious claims' of their parents in life threatening situations.... are there lwas like this where you live???.
(i) minors.
Take the Bible Test
by Lillith26 inthis is a test i borrowed from the wud website!
your imput is most welcome!.
1. how many contradictory creation of man stories are there in genesis?.
An older version of GENESIS
by Lillith26 ini have spent a bit of time lurking on this other website and it makes too much sense to me.
as a deist i spend a fair amount of time researching and studying 'myths, religions, theories and science' (iam not a geek- just curious, and i like to have my facts straight- "make sure of all things".. up untill now i have spent a long time refuting the 'hebrew' accounts of our beginnings- but what if there is an ounce of truth amid the bs?
i would like to invite anyone that may be interested to read the 'other' version of genesis at or just have a click through the library..
The Elder Race from Hollow Earth
by Lillith26 inafter watching the movie "journey to the centre of the earth" with my kids last week, my eldest son was facinated with the 'hollow earth theory', so we jumped online and did a goggle search- facinating stuff, these guys were either total crackpots or they may have just been on to something... is this where the gb escaped from???
are the 'nine' the last of the elder race???
( i had to post this as it's a nice new take compared to the borg theory- which works and is pretty cool).
Imputation- do you agree?
by Lillith26 inimputation is the concept that we are all sinners because of the original sin of adam.
and our only redemption is found in the sacrifice of christ on the cross/stake.
imputation implies that guilt passes from person to person from generation to generation, and redemption is passed from christ to us.
Imputation- do you agree?
by Lillith26 inimputation is the concept that we are all sinners because of the original sin of adam.
and our only redemption is found in the sacrifice of christ on the cross/stake.
imputation implies that guilt passes from person to person from generation to generation, and redemption is passed from christ to us.
Monthly Reports on studies???
by Lillith26 inok, so i've been doing my homework on the average practices of your reg pioneer and am trying to find out exactly how much of my personal information was "reported" by my ex-study friend, and exactly where it went and why they didn't ask for my permission first!
now i do get that who ever i was studing with/being converted by, would need to know my adress in order to get my place (as an avon rep a few years ago i kept a list of my clients details to deliver their items) and would likely keep a list of a few questions i had to better prepare for the next discussion we have, but why would it be necessary to pass my "private" information on to and elder and then on again to somewhere else from there every week/month?????.
i have seen a 'blank' version of these report cards ( and yeah iam somewhat pissed off!!!
Can anyone explain...
by Lillith26 inhi, can anyone please explain to me why?...
in the "blood dvd" the org says "that although we will not accept practises that go against our religion (blood transfusion), as jw's we do still wish to have the very best medical treatment avaliable to us.." but the majority of witlesses wont let themselves, their children or other members go to uni to become docters/surgions etc.
please explain????.