NFW would I listen in.
former jehovah's witness servant dick borghi along with elders in the lowell, ma.
congregation were asked by the circuit overseer to vote on whether to disfellowship overweight brothers and sisters.. this was very troubling to dick for two reasons.. 1... brother borghi thought it would be the responsibility of the faithfull and discrete slave to lay out a precise directive on the basis for this unusual request.
what criteria would have to be met to make such an awkward decision?.
NFW would I listen in.
former jehovah's witness servant dick borghi along with elders in the lowell, ma.
congregation were asked by the circuit overseer to vote on whether to disfellowship overweight brothers and sisters.. this was very troubling to dick for two reasons.. 1... brother borghi thought it would be the responsibility of the faithfull and discrete slave to lay out a precise directive on the basis for this unusual request.
what criteria would have to be met to make such an awkward decision?.
Poor Bear after listening to Six Screams:
indulge the possibility that, as profits from printed materials become thinner, watchtower might want to stop having members carry printed materials to the homes of many.
i know it will probably go through more phases of "cheapening" the materials (softcover books, pamplets instead of brochures, flyers instead of pamphlets) but let's consider the idea that they will one day cease delivering anything printed.. the door-to-door work is huge in controlling members and monitoring loyalty.
pioneers are their biggest supporters.
Snake oil salesmen
we are adopting our fur baby tomorrow .
he is a jrt crossed with a chihuahua, age is approximately around 7 and he is gorgeous!.
he was rescued from a dog pound as he was due to be put to sleep, an angel saw him and took him home... he had been found tied to tree, left to die and had lost all of his fur... his fur is back now, just a patch missing off his tail... he had to have 13 teeth removed as they were rotten and causing him a lot of pain.
Please post pictures when you get it.
former jehovah's witness servant dick borghi along with elders in the lowell, ma.
congregation were asked by the circuit overseer to vote on whether to disfellowship overweight brothers and sisters.. this was very troubling to dick for two reasons.. 1... brother borghi thought it would be the responsibility of the faithfull and discrete slave to lay out a precise directive on the basis for this unusual request.
what criteria would have to be met to make such an awkward decision?.
I am clutching my pearls in anticipation!
we are adopting our fur baby tomorrow .
he is a jrt crossed with a chihuahua, age is approximately around 7 and he is gorgeous!.
he was rescued from a dog pound as he was due to be put to sleep, an angel saw him and took him home... he had been found tied to tree, left to die and had lost all of his fur... his fur is back now, just a patch missing off his tail... he had to have 13 teeth removed as they were rotten and causing him a lot of pain.
Congratulations! Dogs from the Shelter can be the best pets. I got my Minpin from a shelter last year, and he is the best dog I ever had. He loves hugs too.
Q - JRT is Jack Russell Terrier
former jehovah's witness servant dick borghi along with elders in the lowell, ma.
congregation were asked by the circuit overseer to vote on whether to disfellowship overweight brothers and sisters.. this was very troubling to dick for two reasons.. 1... brother borghi thought it would be the responsibility of the faithfull and discrete slave to lay out a precise directive on the basis for this unusual request.
what criteria would have to be met to make such an awkward decision?.
i'm a regular reader of baggagereclaim.co.uk.
i find it helps me deal with many of the relationship-based hurts in my past, but this latest blog post, although it's written about romantic relationships, just made me think of my life as a jw and puts a lot of it in perspective!
so i felt it was worth a share... thought it might help some lurkers, faders & those questionning the cult.. have highlighted the most relevant parts.
Thank you for posting that.
this is for every xjw, our beautiful struggle for freedom and dignity.
to onthewayout, 00dad, cedars and other reknowned faders.
reports have reached patterson that faders are much more dangerous than those disfellowshipped.
their reasons for fading are no longer new to the gb.
I love the dog I adopted from the pound.