I do not like being preached to by theists or atheists. It makes my ass twitch.
is it just me?
I do not like being preached to by theists or atheists. It makes my ass twitch.
today has been a horrible day.
what began as a day of joy finding out that one of my lifelong friends had her baby, turned into a nightmare when her brother called me to let me know she had passed away after birth.
i was in shock and didn't ask how.
I am so sorry for you and her family.The blood policy is horrible and does kill. They can have fractions, but no one really thinks taking them would be okay. I truly think the change about fractions came about because a governing body member needed a transfusion.
so i was thinking the other day that the wt corp has produced thousands of books over the years.
although the writers have changed the style is almost always the same.
however, some books are just worse than others.
The Revelation book that they had printed corrections to be pasted in before they printed new ones. And the 7 "trumpet blasts" were a joke.
That was pretty horrible.
hey everyone.
i'm sorry that this isn't a very thought provoking post but i could really use some advice on how to handle this.
there isn't anyone else in my life i can ask right now because, being dfed, all of my friends are "worldly" and don't know how witnesses function.
I would probably not mention the corresponence on the FB account. It gives you an idea of what is being said about you behind your back (or in this case in front of your back).
I would change halls, as it appears that the elders are likely to be punitive toward you. The elders at another hall could be your advocate in case they stonewall your reinstatement.
I had a situation like that with my ex-wife. She would keep stirring the pot with the elders from her hall. I moved back to my home congregation, and those elders requested that my original committee should reinstate me. They had stipulations on it (instigated by my ex). After 4 attempts and getting the CO involved I finally got reinstated. Sometimes you need to have a fresh perspective when you have someone badmouthing you.
That was a long time ago, I am gladly out now. Good luck!
johnny the bethelite on this program talks about the older bethelites being targeted by watchtower.they are getting rid of those at bethel who are 65-87 years old, some being anointed even the widows of former governing body members who gave decades of loyal service time to the watchtower organization.. the reasons the very elderly are being expelled are money in that for their age range they cost so much to cloth, fed, and medicate, having problems from high blood pressure to dementia.
they include persons such as sister henschel whose husband had been a watchtower president and marian sydlik whose parents are long dead.. https://soundcloud.com/rick-fearon/jan-16-2016-johnny-the-bethelite-watchtower-insider-host-his-radio-program-from-brooklyn-ny .
johnny the bethelite on this program talks about the older bethelites being targeted by watchtower.they are getting rid of those at bethel who are 65-87 years old, some being anointed even the widows of former governing body members who gave decades of loyal service time to the watchtower organization.. the reasons the very elderly are being expelled are money in that for their age range they cost so much to cloth, fed, and medicate, having problems from high blood pressure to dementia.
they include persons such as sister henschel whose husband had been a watchtower president and marian sydlik whose parents are long dead.. https://soundcloud.com/rick-fearon/jan-16-2016-johnny-the-bethelite-watchtower-insider-host-his-radio-program-from-brooklyn-ny .
JTB is back. Are you still hiding in the closet?
Oy vey! Rick is trolling again.
i wanted to post a serious, profound quote in stillin's thread but my mind went blank and i'm pretty crap with serious quotes anyway, so i put a jokey quote from the red dwarf computer holly: .
it's better to have loved and lost than to have listened to an album by olivia newton-john.. when a bemused lister asks why, holly replies "because anything's better than listening to an album by olivia newton-john!".
this got me thinking, what are everyone's favourite comedy quotes?.
"I tell ya, I don't get no respect. The other day Jehovah's Witnesses came to my door, and said they weren't interested." - Rodney Dangerfield
i occasionally come on this website because i have my eyes on a particular user.
because of that, i end up reading a lot of people's post.
although very interesting and hurt breaking, a lot of them are very strange.
"I occasionally come on this website because I have my eyes on a particular user."
Who is the user that you are here to (stalk) follow?
okay so here goes...this is my first time on here.
i'm lost and confused and am feeling very hopeless.
i was dfed in september and i am still wrapping my head around everything.
It will get better. Be patient with yourself, you have a lot of things to learn and unlearn.
Good luck,
what if the governing body members bought a ticket or somehow obtained one.
then the unthinkable happens...they won!
how would they be able to hide that?
Someone bought a winning ticket in Chino Hills CA.