Same shit, different name.
can anybody answer this for me?.
whenever i tell people i'm ex jehovahs witnesses, they always assume that i'm against the jehovahs witnesses, but i am more so against the watchtower then anything.people assume that i'm anti-jehovahs witness, but now that i've done more research i've realized that its the watchtower thats more harmful then the jehovahs witnesses, even though theres a lot of jehovahs witnesses i dont like, i'm not against jehovahs witnesses as a group.. can anyone explain this to me?.
Same shit, different name.
i had my previous toshiba laptop plugged into the wall five days ago when a sudden electric storm drove a jagged bolt of electricity earthward and fried my hard drive.
i posted my sad status on facebook.
guess who saw it?
Buy a UPS (Uninterruptible power supply).
a christian priest even claimed that the bible passage where jesus asked "who.
touched me", because the power" had gone out of him", referred to genital stealing".. we thought the wt was bad.. males were accusing strangers of stealing their manhood by bumping against them.. folks were killed because of this... check out "nigerian genitalia vanishing epidemic of 1990. women were walking around holding their breast,.
men were walking around holding themselves.wth.
keith emerson , the virtuoso keyboard player of elp has sadly passed.
another good one gone.
Very sad news! May he rest in peace.
Works for me just like Syrup of Ipecac.
protesters shut down a trump rally.
massive numbers of people are out in chicago and have shut his event down.
there were scuffles inside the event.. despite his lame attempt to pretend the violence he instigates is nothing to do with him it's clear that it is as the cnn quotes during the last event showed only too well.. this doesn't happen at anyone else's events - candidates have even given up the stage to protesters, not called for them to be beaten and punched.. trump is an ugly person and this is just a small taste of what a future under his rule would be like.. shame on the gop for not kicking his ass out.
I bet there will be riots at the GOP convention in Cleveland this summer. This could get ugly!
Are we living in 1920's Germany?
protesters shut down a trump rally.
massive numbers of people are out in chicago and have shut his event down.
there were scuffles inside the event.. despite his lame attempt to pretend the violence he instigates is nothing to do with him it's clear that it is as the cnn quotes during the last event showed only too well.. this doesn't happen at anyone else's events - candidates have even given up the stage to protesters, not called for them to be beaten and punched.. trump is an ugly person and this is just a small taste of what a future under his rule would be like.. shame on the gop for not kicking his ass out.
The best political riot in Chicago since 1968.
Where is Daley when you need him?
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
I have no proof so far, but keep hashing it out.
i am very interested in getting crisis of conscience being fully available as soon as possible.
march 12th will mark exactly three months since the cease-and-desist letter was written.. i understand that things are slow and that deborah may be sick, but i was just wondering if anyone knew the status.
i have been asked twice already where the book can be obtained in spanish and i have told people that the book is not available.. there are ways to make ebooks extremely hard to share.
Just a thought, sometimes it is in the local library. Check for it.
so my mum who is in and really is finding it hard that i have left and faded.
shes asked me if i want to the the circuit overseer next week.. i have never met him and this is more my mum wanting me to get my problems i have with the organisation out.
but should i share everything i've learnt or what?.
Nothing good can come from meeting with him.