A saying I made up. Whathehadas= What he had as
What he had as....a problem, love, THE Truth, etc
Speaking in the past tense of a possession
just wondering if your name describes what you saw, how you were treated when you were "in" or now "out", maybe your personality, ect.... i'm label licker and the why i picked this name was because of all the licking up one side of elders and down the other to either be an elder or ministerial servant.
one time i was standing right in front of this brother who wasn't made an ms yet and he totally ignored me and talked right over my head speaking really loud trying to catch the co's attention.. got sick of watching the poor elderly sitting all alone or standing against the wall like a wall flower with noone to talk to and yet all these label lickers would take turns picking up the elders elderly parents and take them shopping and do their groceries at least four times a week while out in service, yet, there was noone there to take a meal to a sister who just got out of the hospital with a heart attack.
when i had shown up at her apartment with a meal she asked if i could wash her private and change her bandages.
A saying I made up. Whathehadas= What he had as
What he had as....a problem, love, THE Truth, etc
Speaking in the past tense of a possession
i try to be a positive person but sometimes i just can't help myself.
the other day, i was looking at tv and this show was on mtv.
the show was called, "when i was 17".
@Pickler Thanks for the insight
@ DesirousofChange Thanks for the advice. Maybe I should see a counselor. I will seriously consider it
i try to be a positive person but sometimes i just can't help myself.
the other day, i was looking at tv and this show was on mtv.
the show was called, "when i was 17".
@clarity I do have a life to live gratefully. Putting the past behind me is not easy. I am trying to do so. I understand that there are other Ex-JW who left later than me. I know it hurts worst in that case.....to lose a big portion of your life to that cult. That's another reason for my rant. I feel bad not just for myself but the others.
@princecharmant They were ordinary people before celebrities. Their experiences weren't different than most people who never been in a cult. They may have had strict parents in some cases, but not like most of JW teens have. In my case, I know that some of the things I didn't experience was mainly my fault but still...being a JW aided to my lack of normalcy.
@Aussie Oz I do need to move on. I making a effort to but it's hard to escape from this witness past....it's harder than I thought. I'm making a drastic change soon, by moving out of state and away from a majority of links to my past.
i try to be a positive person but sometimes i just can't help myself.
the other day, i was looking at tv and this show was on mtv.
the show was called, "when i was 17".
I have thought about getting a gun. I have thought about killing them but......not in a normal means but a supernatural LOL. It is just fits of anger with the frustrations that life brings. I can't help but think of the past in the JW organization. Nothing I can do can erase that. I can't get the Men In Black pen and erase that part of my life. Those stages are on point with my initial feelings of finding the TTAT. I thought for awhile if this TTAT was Satan trying to trick me. Funny how a cult can mess with your mind
i try to be a positive person but sometimes i just can't help myself.
the other day, i was looking at tv and this show was on mtv.
the show was called, "when i was 17".
I try to be a positive person but sometimes I just can't help myself. The other day, I was looking at TV and this show was on MTV. The show was called, "When I was 17". I didn't feel like turning the channel and so I started to watch it. The show featured celebrities remembering their times at that age. I started to cry- I have a hard time crying for anything - over the person telling their story of being in High School. I thought of my experience of being a JW and feeling like I was a outsider. Not being able to go to my schools sporting events, not being able to join any of the schools groups or clubs, and not being able to go to dances (especially the prom). I honestly teared up. I thought of all the times I had to tell teachers and classmates that I was different because of being a JW. I looked back on those times and I cried. I then became angry, with a rage that was burning in the deepest part of my bones. I hate the JW Organization with all my heart, mind, and soul! Those Fucking GB members.....ooh. IF it wasn't against the law to kidnap and torture people....man I would love to see them get that "SAW" treatment. Those bastards have deeply effected my life and MANY others. I now try to grasp on to the few years of youth I have left and catch up with the experiences I should have already have. Problem is.....I feel retarded. I feel socially inept. I thought I was getting better but it feels now that I haven't really made much improvement. I get around some friends I've made and I don't really have NOTHING to talk about. Most of their experiences in the REAL world have been like the plane flight that I've missed. I didn't feel normal while in the organization amongst my peers during my adolescence. I've never been real confident and constantly questioned my ability. It didn't help with the numerous things expected of you by the "brothers" in reaching out in the congregation. Going door to door was a pain in the ass and giving talks was like pulling teeth. I ABSOLUTELY hated going to the meetings. ABSOLUTELY hated them! I vowed to myself after fading away. That I would NEVER step foot in another Kingdom Hall for the rest of my life for ANY reason. Those Muthafuckas have stolen enough of my life and I don't plan on giving them anymore. I think of my life now and wish that I hadn't been so gullible and easy going. Wish I had been a rebel with "Independent thinking". Maybe I would have left a long time ago. I trully regret losing the good years of my youth to that religion. I look at some people's lives and see them being happy. I become bitter in this regard because of my regret and failures. I feel so pathetic. I do blame the JW but the percentage is like 60% of them and 40% of my fault. I should have been more out going and used my mind more. I was suppressed and cage in. I couldn't get away seem like.....even when I felt like leaving the Org. I hate some of those Witnesses who wouldn't leave me alone and latched onto me as "friends". They kept me in....in the times of my deepest doubts. I had a chance to finally wake up a few years ago and it feels late to me. I'm half way into my life and I really feel like a failure. I don't feel like I'm at the point where I want to be in my life. Dealing with finances because a lack of skill and education. Though I'm working on part of that now (I have licenses in Pest Control). I'm trying to get a decent job amongst this economy. Will have to work 2 because of some debt I got into with a loan for a school I wasn't able to complete. That's just on the financial side. The social side has been eating me up. I can make friends but being close and relating to them is a problem. My JW background will ALWAYS be in the back of my mind! I wish I could Marty Mcfly my ass back to when my parents were about to have me and stop them. Wishful thinking. I wish I could have a Avatar body of someone else (tall and handsome preferably) and live a new and normal life. I vent on this shit on this board because I know people have had the same feelings and can relate. I don't think people who haven't been JW can relate. I've tried talking to some before and they don't understand fully. It is what it is with my life. Damage parts sent to a repair shop. LOL I'm open for feedback.
letter from the governing body.. .
dear brothers due to our failed attempts of interrupting scripture and completely false, multiple prophecies, we as the governing body are going to implement a few new changes to god's earthly organization.. .
we are not god's earthly organization.
That would BE the END of the Organization. The GB would kill themselves with that letter. I wish it was so. Would be a interesting reaction from the Rank & File
..... you to stop attending ?
injustices ?
disagree with the teachings ?
I hold a deep loathing for the GB. Don't anyone tell me to let it go....I can't. If I was in company alone with a GB member and there was a carving knife with us........goodbye GB member! Punkofnice
LMAO punkofnice I agree. Give me a baseball bat though and a Ball pin hammer. I would like them to experience some agonizing pain.
I have'nt been to a meeting since July '09 of the DC. I think I went to 2 days out of the 3 and I left after Lunch on that Saturday. I JUST could not take it anymore. I was fed up with allllll the BS and fake friends. I'm relieved to be out and feel somewhat normal.
where can i plug in my i-pod to read my downloaded publications ?
Hey when is the New Iphone coming out? Where is the Apple store?
Where is Applebee's? Where is Golden Corral?
might be 9 months old but jesus...aint nobody got time for that.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh7ugaprdpm.
piers morgan decided to advocate gun control after sandy hook.
that caused this radio host, alex jones, who has millions of listeners to create a petition to have piers deported.
piers invited alex on his show to have a civil debate about guns.
Maybe a gun would have helped in this Pizza Parlor incident. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu0O1VNZWeE