"The reason is that He does not want to face reality. That is why JW die-hards persecute any doubters. To leave doubters and faders alone would be tantamout to accepting that they could have a point. That rabbit-hole is just too painful for some to venture down. That's why you must be a ridiculer! There is no other alternative! To admit that theyhave been duped their whole life is not something that most have the inner strength to face. " DATA-DOG
This sums up the reality that JWs are faced with. The Truth or the TTAT is just TOO painful to realize. It's like knowing that there is the ordinary "Wizard" behind the curtain, but being to scared to expose him because of not facing the fact of being soo gullible to believe in the first place. Soo many ExJW have opened their eyes and felt the pain of being duped for soo long. The JW who stay in are just too weak to face the TTAT. So they will defend their beliefs at ALL cost. It's like a group of people who invested their life savings in a business who's product is really faultly. Critics of the product continually make known of the ineffectiveness of the product, but the investors deny it and slander the criticizers. The Investors believe that the money and time invested in the business CAN'T be all in vain! Their product is good! Most JW don't want to know the TTAT. It would TEAR THEIR WORLD APART.