This month's study on study references an earlier Watchtower August 15, 1993, pages 13-14. What disturbed me the most of these two articles was their extreme limitation; where is the critical thinking, the comparison of one scripture with the other for balance, the open questions, the THINKING? Check out this positive spin on inculcating the WTS concepts.
W 8/15 1993 "Learn, Repeat, Use"
10 Experts in the field of education know the value of timely and purposeful repetition....Some minutes after you learn a point, before it fades from memory, try to draw from within yourself what you have learned. This has been termed "graduated interval recall"...."Inculcate" means to teach by repetition....
11...This will help you to make what you learned part of your long-term memory.
And, from Examining the Daily Scriptures, 2002, Wednesday, July 31
To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh Ecclesiasetes 12:12
The reading of many books published today is not only wearisome to the flesh but, frankly, dangerous to the mind. So it is important to be selective. In addition to reading our Bible study publications, we need to read the Bible istelf. The founding editor fo the Watchtower magazine wrote to its readers: "Never forget that the Bkible is our Standard and that however god-given our helps may be they are 'helps' and not substitutes for the Bible." Nence, while not neglecting Bible-based publications, we need to read the Bible itself. Conscious of this need, for years now "the faithful and discreet slave" has scheduled Bible reading as a part of the Theocratic Ministry School program in each congregation. (Matt 24:45) the present Bible-reading program covers the entire Bible in a period of about seven years. w 10/1/00 9, 10
We just learned that the Kings of Isreal were required to make a copy by hand of the law. A sensible arrangement at that time to make sure the literature survived from generation to generation before the printing press was invented. Hand copying books for a living, I imagine, would be a wearisome activity. Thank God for Johann Gutenburg, is all I can say. So how did the society make the leap that hand copying a book is as wearisome as reading a book, and even worse, dangerous?
A suggestion should be made to the WTS therefore, in order that the Bethelite materials be in line with first century church practices, that all books be copied by hand from now on. This would ensure that the copyists were properly inculcated with the perfect knowledge.