By contrast, try to imagine the results of a sexless marriage.
I just gotta reply to this. I suggest that many lifetime partners eventually end up in a sexless marriage, for reasons of health, age, or performance. People cannot remain "up" all the time (pardon the pun). By adopting a promiscuous lifestyle, women absolve their partners from involvement in the raising of their children. Also, stepfathers are not as devoted to their children as the natural father. This is biological. By taking the lion's share of the parenting duties, the woman also hurts her long-term financial future. Remaining in a relationship "only while the sex is good" will leave the aged and infirm alone, without support. Taking some statistics gathered from women's rights groups,
- The average woman of the same age group still makes less than her male counterpart. Statiticians have speculated that this may be a result of women remaining at home for a period of time during her childbearing years, thereby interrupting her wage earning potential.
- The plight of widows in our country is even more alarming. Many are living below the poverty level. One reasons cited for this is that more women of our past generation remained at home, and were depending on their husband's pension in their declining years. With rising divorce rates, some of these women ended up with no pension of their own, nor very much from their ex-husbands, either.
Sex is a great start, but not the end to devotion that partners can display for each other. I know this is possible. I have met many lifetime couples, and I quiz them regularly on what makes their relationship "tick". Is it guilt? Nope. Is it sex? Nope. Misplaced attachment to social mores? Nope. I have noted a solid determination and an enduring friendship in these couples. They are well able to weather the storms of life together.
By socially capable, i mean more understanding, outgoing, able to converse, being better at the social artsAre you suggesting that someone like me is less socially capable, less understanding, because I chose to live by the Judeo-Christian ethic? That does sound like an insult...have any data to back that up?
Edited by - jgnat on 20 August 2002 20:3:1