Everyone else is crazy except for you and me, and some times I wonder about you
JoinedPosts by trueblue
Is mental illness actualy messages from god?
by highdose ini don't mean depression or somthing of that nature.
i used to work with patients who suffered from severe schiofrenia etc, they would claim that they were god, son of god, gods mesanger etc.. of course they were highly medicated and put in a place where they would be taken care of.
it was a rough section of the hospital to be put, in fact the chances of making it through a shift with uniform undamaged were silm and there was porters ( guards) behind each locked door.
Jesus turns water into wine...
by trueblue ini heard a story a long time ago that the bible is like a bottle of fine wine that everyone has been taking a drink out of and putting a little water in it so the bottle still appears to be full, but there has been so many people that have taken turns before us taking a drink of fine wine and replacing it with water that there is only a little bit of fine wine left in the bottle but there is still some fine wine in the bottle.. john 10:27my sheep listen to my voice, and i know them, and they follow me.. i was also told that in the pass that some rulers found that it was easier to control people by putting things in the bible, like putting in the bible that the people were to give a percentage of all there earnings.
it was easier to get the people to give them money if they believed god required it then to get them to give money because a man required it.
history is not my good subject so it is hard for me to determine weather this statement is true, but i have observed that people have at the very least altered the words in the bible to help you understand the bible according to what they believe.. any inputs?.
Well I have one example where I believe a ruler has been playing with words to get what they want.
Luke 22: 19 Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “This means my body which is to be given in YOUR behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” 20 Also, the cup in the same way after they had the evening meal, he saying: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in YOUR behalf.
From what I understand is that the WTS is saying to do this once a year, and I fail to see were in the bible it say to do it once a year.
Luke 22: 21 “But, look! the hand of my betrayer is with me at the table.
Jesus turns water into wine...
by trueblue ini heard a story a long time ago that the bible is like a bottle of fine wine that everyone has been taking a drink out of and putting a little water in it so the bottle still appears to be full, but there has been so many people that have taken turns before us taking a drink of fine wine and replacing it with water that there is only a little bit of fine wine left in the bottle but there is still some fine wine in the bottle.. john 10:27my sheep listen to my voice, and i know them, and they follow me.. i was also told that in the pass that some rulers found that it was easier to control people by putting things in the bible, like putting in the bible that the people were to give a percentage of all there earnings.
it was easier to get the people to give them money if they believed god required it then to get them to give money because a man required it.
history is not my good subject so it is hard for me to determine weather this statement is true, but i have observed that people have at the very least altered the words in the bible to help you understand the bible according to what they believe.. any inputs?.
Jesus turns water into wine...
by trueblue ini heard a story a long time ago that the bible is like a bottle of fine wine that everyone has been taking a drink out of and putting a little water in it so the bottle still appears to be full, but there has been so many people that have taken turns before us taking a drink of fine wine and replacing it with water that there is only a little bit of fine wine left in the bottle but there is still some fine wine in the bottle.. john 10:27my sheep listen to my voice, and i know them, and they follow me.. i was also told that in the pass that some rulers found that it was easier to control people by putting things in the bible, like putting in the bible that the people were to give a percentage of all there earnings.
it was easier to get the people to give them money if they believed god required it then to get them to give money because a man required it.
history is not my good subject so it is hard for me to determine weather this statement is true, but i have observed that people have at the very least altered the words in the bible to help you understand the bible according to what they believe.. any inputs?.
I heard a story a long time ago that the bible is like a bottle of fine wine that everyone has been taking a drink out of and putting a little water in it so the bottle still appears to be full, but there has been so many people that have taken turns before us taking a drink of fine wine and replacing it with water that there is only a little bit of fine wine left in the bottle but there is still some fine wine in the bottle.
John 10: 27 My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
I was also told that in the pass that some rulers found that it was easier to control people by putting things in the bible, like putting in the bible that the people were to give a percentage of all there earnings. It was easier to get the people to give them money if they believed God required it then to get them to give money because a man required it. History is not my good subject so it is hard for me to determine weather this statement is true, but I have observed that people have at the very least altered the words in the bible to help you understand the bible according to what they believe.
Any inputs?
Anybody been dead before?
by Snotrag inby dead i mean not breathing and no heartbeat.
it took me a year to remember that i felt ,saw, experienced nothing.
the whole thing bummed me out even though i had bought in to what the teaching is before it happened.
It is a traumatic experience, of course you would experience depression. You may need some support to help you get over the shock before you develope PTSD.
PTSD seem to be my answer to things a lot lately but it wouldn't hurt for you to read a little about PTSD. Just google PTSD
10 Failed Doomsday Predictions
by Rabbit indamn.
i just knew my former cult religion would at least get an 'honorable mention' when it comes to end-of-the-world-stuff, wouldn't you ?.
i mean, geez, i regular pioneered for several years -- right up to armeggedon.
in the JW new system will there be...
by highdose inthe following are questions that i've heard jw's ask, normaly they ask nobody in particualr, which is just as well because nobody in particualar ever answers back!....
will we have seasons in the new system?
if so how will we keep warm in winter etc?
No, I listen in my mind. I don't even talk, it is all through thought process. GOD places images in my mind in order to show me what HE means. GOD instructs me as I am doing my task at hand and even instructs me what to say when I am communicating with people. Some of it is forced by inspiration in order to accmplish what GOD intends.
That is great. I have no dispute with what you do. In fact, it shows that the Governing Body was lying when they claimed to be God's Only Channel TM , as God has a channel to you.
I do wonder that God does give us all thoughts and then we choose to do what we will to do with them, during concentration we choose what to do with the thoughts and mistaking the thoughts as being our own thoughts. Like light passing thru a spectrum and you can see all the colors. Our mind like a spectrum that knowledge passes thru and in the beginning Adam and Eve were not to use the knowledge of good and bad, but they did, and now the knowledge of good and bad passes thru all of us.
Just a thought
I did not mien to pick on SOM and I am sorry,
Re: in the JW new system will there be...
Have you ever been punished by the elders for objecting to the borgs treatment of you?
by highdose ini made the mistake of objecting to being slandered in the congo and the resulting shunning it got me, even though i had done nothing wrong at all.
but all i got in return was "loving counsel... puke" in the form of a strict telling off... it was my first real step out of there, you might say the scales started to fall from my eyes at that point.. i'd very much like to know if i'm alone in experiancing this kind of treatment or not?
i suspect not...?.
There are more then one side to a story, but basically I told them off for following me to work, and I could not understand how you were able to serve God if they think they can tell some one when where and how to preach. Make a person feel they are srving God because they have to not because you want to out of love for your God.
Not baptized was the punishment
Thank God for that...
Mathew 3: 11 I, for my part, baptize YOU with water because of YOUR repentance; but the one coming after me is stronger than I am, whose sandals I am not fit to take off. That one will baptize YOU people with holy spirit and with fire.
10 Failed Doomsday Predictions
by Rabbit indamn.
i just knew my former cult religion would at least get an 'honorable mention' when it comes to end-of-the-world-stuff, wouldn't you ?.
i mean, geez, i regular pioneered for several years -- right up to armeggedon.
Nobody can think of a # 11...?
No one could write that big of a fairy tail...
Are you an 'Ex Witness' or just you?
by creativhoney ini just wondered how people feel about this?
- do some only mix with other ex witnesses a couple of my friends, and it seems that by definition, they are 'ex witnesses' almost like a religion in itself.
- i would never define myself as an 'ex employee of xxx' as you leave it behind it doesnt define you.