agonus, I don't know that may be you thought that I meant they wanted to put the chip in us so they could control our thoughts but that is not what I meant. I meant that by trying to inforce it would or could cause a riot and they should be aware of that for just about exeryone would refuse.
I don't know may be I have had too much time on my hands and been checking things out on the internet about new world order, 9/11 consperacy, 2012, and all that crap.
I wish I did not have the raidio on that day of 9/11, it was such a beautiful day and the birds where singing when the news came on and the JW's come to my place about it.
Where I really become addicted was when I seen this strange planet and I was trying to figure out what it was just to kill some time, but I have found a new job to keep me busy and that should help to get my mind off of it.
I did not or do not believe the 9/11 consperacy but I think it was created, because law inforcement had been looking for terrorism for some time.
Oh well I will go back to work and when Jesus come and take me that is fine, but if not then it wasn't meant to be.