JoinedTopics Started by Gutterpunk
Need a refresher course ;)
by Gutterpunk ini left the jw 15 years ago, just before my 19th (non-)anniversary.
my brother was the first, but eventually the rest of the familly followed suit.. turns out that a failed "post jw" relationship convinced my mother to go back.
i don't mind really, i don't hold any grudge against the jw and so far she doesn't seem to want to respect my shunning (if i am indeed shunned... i became inactive, and never heard of the jw again... i must be, but it's beside the point right now).
Don't jw's bash Secular authorities?
by homeschool infor a lot of ways, the jw's firmly believe what the secular/worldly authorities & scientists have to say.
(i.e.-how long the world has been here, etc).
but don't they also make fun of them?