Billy and villalobo,
I'm fairly certain that the work to evaluate the validity of the "kinds" theory has been done. I know I've read it somewhere. Anyway, like Billy said, for the ark thing to work and then for us to end up with the biodiversity we see today would take like extreme-hyper-warp-speed evolution of the kind that even the most hard-core evolutionist wouldn't advocate.
But also the creationists have no definition of what a "kind" is. Is a "kind" a group that share reproductive capability? No that doesn't work... because there are lots of animals species that should be of the same "kind" yet they can bear no offspring (this is due to genetic drift, reproductive isolation, and leads to "speciation", which has been observed, look it up).
Also consider... where does archaeopteryx go? Is it a bird "kind" or is it a reptile "kind"? What about velociraptor? It's only slightly more dinosaur-like than archaeopteryx. Sinornithosaurus? Meilong? And what about Tiktaalik? Ichthyosaur? And what about all the synapsids (mammel-like-reptiles)? Ophiacodon, Dimetrodon, and Thrinaxodon.
Simply stated... the actual scientists no longer think those last few are EITHER reptiles or mammels, because they share so many common features of both. Which is kinda why they had to give them their own class. This is exactly a prediction of evolution: that the fossil record should show no clear distinction between the various recognized groups of phylum. In fact there have been so many "in-between" forms found that biologists had to completely redesign their classification system. This has given rise to "cladistics". There are no gaps anymore. Or at least none that would give cause to doubt the fact that evolution occurs.
And that brings up an interesting question: Perry... why, if after everything God created was deemed "good", did he proceed to destroy 99% of all species that have lived on the earth? 99% of all the variety he supposedly created? Isn't that a waste???? Sounds like poor design to me. This is a mystery to creationists... but it's a PREDICTION of evolution.
PERRY, PLEASE RESPOND TO THE ISSUES I RAISED IN THIS POST. Since you seem to have a tendency to duck my questions.