I'm so over sparlock
not really, so many threads on the subject
good video, great find
here's an excellent critical analysis of the new wt video.
the author claims "fair use" so it may stay up, but you should watch it before it gets pulled too.
origins of sparlock the warrior wizard
I'm so over sparlock
not really, so many threads on the subject
good video, great find
yss folks in 4 billion years from now, i am getting ready for it on my end.
happy weekend to all sparlock supporters!.
holy crap sparlockman
i'm just curious: since the wts did away with book studies in members homes, how does the field service meetings go now?
do people still meet in members homes, or are all fs meetings now at the kingdom hall every day?
or do they now have some other arrangement?.
hell, so glad i haven't been on fs for thirty years, lots has changed
hi guys,.
i call myself a lurker, but it's really been a short time since i've known about this site...it's only been five days.
i discovered this site while doing personal research on the topics of porneia, oral sex, and mutual masturbation, and found a thread on this site about it.
Hi sseveninches
welcome aboard, this is a great place to start
i know that this has been discussed previously about the 607 b.c.e and the 586 b.c.e.
but i found it interesting in the october 1, 1926 wt the quotes under the subheading:.
thanks jake
only scientific responses needed smiddy
i was commenting on the double thread
only scientific responses needed smiddy
only scientific responses needed smiddy
come on smiddy we all know, by bible science, that he/she always has been & always will be
and please ignore the comment from still slinking that follows
where else can ex jw`s, current jw`s, lurkers,and anybody else who for one reason or another comes to this forum to put forward a question ,seek an answer , debate a point ,or just stir the pot ?
and is not somehow going to go away much the wiser ?
the serious topics are equivalent to a univerity education often with references that are priceless.the debates about god or no god are priceless too.and of course their are many humourous sides to many of the posts ,some cases taking the mickey out of our serious questions,all in good humour.
happens to me all the time
or so says ronald weinland;.
may 27, 2012april 29, 2012. as readers of this site know, may 27, 2012, is the time that i have stated as being the date jesus christ will return as king of kings over all government on this earth.
for such an event to come to pass, the trumpets of revelation must all sound, the united states and dollar collapse, the ten nations of europe arise to fulfill the final revival of the holy roman empire, and russia with china must unite against europe in wwiii.. .... http://www.ronaldweinland.com/.
still here!........again