In the words of the famous/infamous Outlaw
Agnostic..Don`t Know..
and don't really care LOL
actually on the verge of going athiest
i just wanted to take a survey.
let's not let this get into the same old same old debate of atheism vs belief.
just respond with "atheist" or "believer" or "maybe god exists".
In the words of the famous/infamous Outlaw
Agnostic..Don`t Know..
and don't really care LOL
actually on the verge of going athiest
i just wanted to take a survey.
let's not let this get into the same old same old debate of atheism vs belief.
just respond with "atheist" or "believer" or "maybe god exists".
what was the question?
does anyone else feel or know that jehovah's witnesses damaged their health?.
i know many have emerged with depression, and i'm very relieved that i am not one of them.. but, being the age i am, (a large tribe of grandchildren) i was nonetheless pressured to go out door to door in steep countryside often in bad weather, and because i was doing my best to keep up that ended in an injury which has proved to be long lasting.. and that's not counting the stress-induced consequences...i won't cite them all here, but physical.
a few days in hospital and a summer spent on compulsory almost complete rest can all be laid at the watchtower's door.the trauma of actually extricating oneself from the borg is not stopped when one has finally written that letter that disassociates oneself from them.
depression, since childhood but didn't know it
below is a statement from gb member gerrit losch.
notice what is said about the fds.
is this true?
here in Australia it means Gold Coast, great place to holiday, shit of a place to live
i just wanted to take a survey.
let's not let this get into the same old same old debate of atheism vs belief.
just respond with "atheist" or "believer" or "maybe god exists".
Wooohooo Thor wins
i just wanted to take a survey.
let's not let this get into the same old same old debate of atheism vs belief.
just respond with "atheist" or "believer" or "maybe god exists".
you sidetracking threads again
i just wanted to take a survey.
let's not let this get into the same old same old debate of atheism vs belief.
just respond with "atheist" or "believer" or "maybe god exists".
is that you still shrinking?
i just wanted to take a survey.
let's not let this get into the same old same old debate of atheism vs belief.
just respond with "atheist" or "believer" or "maybe god exists".
my vote goes to thor
i have only just recently found this site, in fact only recently gone online to do research of my own about jws.
before i left i had only gone on my gut instinct, not even realising i was not alone with my feelings.
the week i was appointed an elder some 11 years ago, i had had to write to a congregation many miles away from me about how unloving they were (more details below).. not long after i started to have concerns about jws, expecially as the message of 'following the bibles message' subtly changed to 'follow the fds', this did not sit well with me.
Welcome aboard
really glad that you found us
it was reported to me in an e-mail that richard rawe of soap lake, washington has died.. many of you might remember him and god rest his soul.. outaservice.
RIP Richard you will be missed.
initially I was asking myself, who? never heard of of him, but I checked out jamie's link & what the heck, I know that site, and then i had a look through some old photos
I was reading about Richard before i joined jwnet.