Actor Jack Klugman dead at 90
sadly another actor has gone, sadly missed
actor jack klugman dead at 90
sadly another actor has gone, sadly missed.
sadly another actor has gone, sadly missed
my vote is for the lord of the rings, all three of them.
or pretty much any star trek movie.
i tried watching the lor movies today, but my god, it's just battle after battle after battle and frodo, cute guy though he is, wimping out all over the place and having to be carried by everyone.. dull... i have never succeeded in watching those damn movies from beginning to end..
Ya know what I find boring? plp who find LOTR & Star Trek boring
a very merry christmas to all jwnet users.
owe shamus my dear little monkey! I didn't know you cared so much
well this lastest mayan fad just passed with nothing happening so i figure somebody has already got another date lined up...(obviously not related to the mayan calensar and its follwers...who are now end time has beens).
any new dates?
we cant let endtimes predictions dissapear into a vaccum you know!.
i'm sure if we search the Harry Potter books, I'm sure we could come up with adate,
anyone willing
girl at work gave me one of these.
i was very appreciative of her doing so, yet too embarrased to ask her what it was.
i thought it was the toyota logo at first.
a demon
2012 ministry school review answer sheet for november 5, through december 31.
2012 ministry school review answer sheet for november 5, through december 31..
2012 ministry school review answer sheet for november 5, through december 31.
it was always stressed that the five weekly meetings were like the fingers on your hand.
each one was just as important as the next.
which of the meetings were the most boring,bothersome and difficult to listen to?
I hated all of them, especially the service meeting.
My anxiety attacks are coming back just thinking about those fuckin meetings
a very merry christmas to all jwnet users.
jw leaks has updated their "human rights" page with hundreds of pages of documents released, all relating to 19 separate court cases involving jehovah's witnesses conducted through the european court of human rights and also the australian refugee tribunal.. .
the 9 cases that were run through the australian refugee tribunal by the jehovah's witnesses all came from lebanon.. .
one former member of jehovah's witnesses, who advised on a number of refugee and migration cases for jehovah's witnesses and the watchtower bible and tract society of australia, and provided the documents and background information (yet to be published) to jw leaks, stated:.
a very merry christmas to all jwnet users.