Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road was banned...the whole album, something about porn I believe
I kept it anyways LOL
coz it teaches that life exists on other planets.
think it was banned in a watchtower.
Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road was banned...the whole album, something about porn I believe
I kept it anyways LOL
actually, i did not read the daily text everyday, i would say once a while.
no, not normally, probably once a year perhaps, thought it was very anal to be forced to study their bs each day, and i never ever did any private study of the wt or any other of the publication
i did for a year.
i falsified reports, had fake rv's, told groups i was meeting up with other groups and went home just to show a presense.
i wasn't fading though, because of my situation i had to play like everything was fine.
no, d2d went first
some are calling this a fountain of youth drug.
interesting stuff.
woowho roll on the day
just wondering.
i'm going out in the morning, but i'm wondering who else here in undercover apostate land will be meeting up with their own respective groups for theocratic activity tomorrow.
for those of you going, will you be preparing your presentations tonight?.
not since november 1981 and never again
the norwegian branch, as well as the swedish one, are now up for sale and the scandinavian headquarters will be located at the present danish bethel.. http://www.oblad.no/nyheter/omradet-i-ytre-enebakk-legges-ut-for-salg-1.7365526.
this news even made it to the national radio news yesterday.. .
How are the bros in Australia going to feel when the Sydney branch closes & all report to Tokyo
it's possible, hell, who thought the nz branch would close
the norwegian branch, as well as the swedish one, are now up for sale and the scandinavian headquarters will be located at the present danish bethel.. http://www.oblad.no/nyheter/omradet-i-ytre-enebakk-legges-ut-for-salg-1.7365526.
this news even made it to the national radio news yesterday.. .
taking the money and running! maybe it's started
read this on the internet today:.
"within jungian psychology there is a concept known as the shadow.
most of us encounter our own shadows in the form of projection.
yes, for what adam & eve did six thousand years ago
don't count on too much mercy my fine featherd friends,,,hehehe,,,lol...!after your reinstated,it will take 20 to 30 years before the dubs start to forget your sorted past.....and you all know this right?so why bother crawling back with you little tail between your legs,so a bunch of glorious elders can save face before the rank and file?no one should be df okay,as this was not the teachings of jesus,only paul who wrote this stuff,but could some wacko in the last 2000 years have inserted this satanic practice into the scriptures to control the masses and manipulate them?the apostle paul wrote too many contradictions in his writings,so why trust in anything that he wrote about?why trust the gb in hq/nyc as to their writings in these past 130 years,since everything that they wrote about is all lies,,,hehehe lol...!who is going to disfellowship them in the hq department for being liars?maybe jehovah will do it in his own due time?.
everyone i know who have been reinstated have the stigma to carry for many years & there are always plp around who remember & never let them forget, so i see it as NO one ever completely gets back what they once had
one of our most dogmatic, authoritarian elders at the congregation i used to attend made this comment.. .
the wts has beat the drum of absolute authority so long and hard that the idea of free will, or even the notion of a god who might take in to consideration the wants, likes, and desires of his own people has been strangled out of the jw psychology.. .
in one of his talks, brother that's final informed the congregation that it is pointless for us to engage in speculation about how our lives will be in the new system.
i would love to see someone stand up in the KH and challenge these pricks