you got it all wrong, the voice in my head is telling me 2113 infact April 01
kudos to jwn roving correspondent sd-7 for his insightful comments in a recent thread.
as a result of his inspired utterance, i received a flash of insight that has allowed me to predict with uncanny accuracy the exact date for armageddon's arrival.
what follows are sd-7's comments and my calculations.
you got it all wrong, the voice in my head is telling me 2113 infact April 01
did you try to hold your farts during a meeting or let the slip out?
i let them go (quitely) and did not give a hell about the reaction..
always at the wrong time, KH, convention, swimming pool, school bus .......................... what's a poor teenager supposed to do
did you try to hold your farts during a meeting or let the slip out?
i let them go (quitely) and did not give a hell about the reaction..
there was always an elderley sister whom passed wind during prayer, at each kh i attended
and yes i have let a few silent ones pass by on occasions
does anyone have dreams or nightmares about jehovah's witnesses, the society, or your trapped loved ones?
i do all the time and they wont stop.
i wake up with cold sweats and an upset stomach.
rarely, but when i do i finding them very disturbing
it's now "game on" between me and the mice.
my landlady put 15 traps down throughout their apartment on the first floor.
in 2 weeks i caught the 5 not so bright mice.
This works too
it's now "game on" between me and the mice.
my landlady put 15 traps down throughout their apartment on the first floor.
in 2 weeks i caught the 5 not so bright mice.
try cheese but, melt the cheese with a match, burning it, this should work, good luck
the original V series was better IMHO
what is V & who is jeffreywhat?
actually i thought this was going to be a "V" scifi thread
i had quite the fun time at my wedding reception with the jw family so worried that my non-jw aunt was going to do a toast.
unlike them, i do have regard for not offending the conscience of others, so of course i wasn't going to allow that under the circumstances.
i mean, if they really thought i was going to let them do that, why did they even come in the first place?
how long were they able to stay?
what conversation or other things did you do together?.
My wife made a nice Kiwi piefor the CO.
em as kiwis are am endangered species you & the CO would get prison time for that