Thanks smiddy
Brisbane Qld same time 10:25PM but I have seen it
i know their have been screenings of this movie before , but this notice is for any newbies here that may not have seen it previously.
it is scheduled to screen at 10:25 pm on ch.32 sbs2 sun.25/8/13 .
maybe other states in australia can view it on-line , or request it be shown by sbs in their state.. it is an interesting movie , and apart from minor flaws , pretty accurate despite the beard,though i am told the danes are a bit more liberal than the west.. the real / actual jehovahs witness this story is based on has a cameo appearance near the end of this movie in the train sequence.. please let me know if you watch it and your thoughts about it .. smiddy.
Thanks smiddy
Brisbane Qld same time 10:25PM but I have seen it
this subject is coming up this month in the tms.
i just thought i would start a post for newbies or lurkers.
if you have any scans of the awake inside cover that would be awesome.
alot of members don't have a flag or country name beside their user name, and well frequently one doesn't know where that particular person is from, tell us your country, state, county or what ever you feel like giving out.
if you are going to post please at least devulge your country.. me, i'm originally from taranaki, new zealand via auckland.
for the most of this decade i have been living & working in brisbane, queensland, australia.. .
I have not been around here much lately, but I see there are many new members.
Tell us where you are from.
and welcome to all you new members
i'm in a pissy mood and would love to hear your stories.
personally, i'm thinking of getting a tatoo on my rear end saying wbt$ kiss this!.
Australian anthem that's so tame, try the new zealand anthem
just kidding
barry you mean this:
typical of 95% of australian pollies
shouldn't be in control of their own car let alone a nation
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i have been diagnosed with complex ptsd by my therapist due to events of abandonment and abuse as a child.
the cult experience of being raised as one of jehovah's witness was a major factor.
i think that the sparlock video and the conti case has brought emotional flashbacks to some of us here, so i wanted to post information that i have found helpful.
marked for later read
as my second post on this forum, i want to share this with you guys!
this is the official branch organization manual (updated 2003) of jehovah's witnesses:.
thanks for sharing
downloaded and waiting to be read
everyone is thrilled at the reading of the latest letters on "international conventions", just ecstatic!!
why, you msy ask?
if you are jw who is exemplary ( that leaves me out, i assume.
wtf no blue jeans even in your own time, what dumb arses, as if the almighty skygod really gives a f what one wears
thanks Bill
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