Too bad the reporter didn't know to ask, "But are they ANY repercussions, such as being shunned by other jws, even by family members who are jws?
Posts by Cacky
Quote where WT says people can leave org. without repercussions?
by ronwashington inmonths ago someone here mentioned a quote from some sort of interview where a wt spokeperson (brown?
) said a person can leave the org.
without repurcussions.
How Will The Watchtower Handle Disclosure?
by metatron infor me, the disclosure of ufo's as being real is just matter of time.
it's not a matter of any mayan calendar or galactic alignment.
it's simply the eventual outcome of increasing and increasingly bold ufo observations.
Remember the scriptures that say there will be great signs from the skies, or something like that. My jw daughters have already told me they believe if there are ufo's, it's Satan trying to mislead people. I think that's a general jw thought on the subject.
What do you think would happen if somebody in the GB needed blood
by keep inwould they refuse the transfusion?
or come up with a "new understanding" that you can accept blood in certain situations?.
btw as you can see this is my first post so hi.
I honestly think they'd take blood.
If you got apostate vids on Youtube take em off now!!! Legal Dept to Sue!
by smithmandy1 ini've posted this on the wrong section so i'm posting it on here cos its sort of to topic as i know many of you have vids on youtube.
legal department are beginning legal action against google and its uploaders regards to apostate vids that slander the watchtower and/or contain copyrighted material!!!
my hubby knows people who know so heres my warning lol.
IN the one in Armenia, the television station really did lie, saying the guy was a jw, when he wasn't. That country hates jws and I guess that's why that was done. That has nothing to do with this issue. They are in no way similar.
Caleb's dad
by poppers ini think immigration should check his papers, but i'll be darned if i can figure out what country he'd be deported to.
why would the makers of this dvd use such a ridiculous accent?.
And look how muscular dad is. What's that supposed to mean. He spends time working out?
Sparlock vs the Magical Plane
by Listener insorry about the previous thread i posted.
i was holidaying in hong kong and for some reason i couldn't post.. what i find hypocritical is the depiction of the plane in the video.
it appears as some sort of theme item throughout the video, flying through the air in the background as some sort of hidden message.
I noticed the plane, at the end of the video, it ends with the plane flying in the sky again. The song video show a butterfly flying away, further and further until it is out of sight. Do you think this was subliminal, put in there by apostates making the video, as their way of saying, get the hell out of there!
PZ Myers has posted about Sparlock!!!
by brizzzy ini wrote a letter to pz myers about the sparlock vid and asked all of my ex-jw pals to do the same if they had a few moments.
and he posted about it!.
pz myers is huge in the skeptic/atheist community, so the vid is spreading to non-jws as well.
I wrote to our local newspaper, the St. Louis Post Dispatch, to a columnist there, in the hopes he would take it on or pass it on to the religous columnists. I don't know if he will, but hope so.
Sparlock the Warrior Wizard and the Battle for the Witchtower Movie Trailer
by DT ini'm not sure if this has been posted.
anyways, i thought it was good enough to justify its own thread.
(warning: the music becomes load part way through.).
It was great!
Here's the thing. Nobody actually cares about sparlock. It's a meme only to us.
by JonathanH inat first the sparlock thing was just a cute little diversion.
the icon of an amusingly out of touch cheaply produced dvd.
somehow it has spiralled into a kind of focal point of society bashing.
Well, either way, I sent an email to our local columnist of the St. Louis Post Dispatch, suggesting he might want to google it and told him how the ex-jw community has made Sparlock their mascot. He might or he might not, but wanted to get it out there somehow.
Sparlock has a Facebook Fan page!!!
by discreetslave infor those of you on facebook there is a fan page for the wizard
Are you kidding? If they could make money off it, they'd let it get sold as a toy!