I knew two mothers who would not let their kids have pets because of the time it would take to care for them. Their excuse was they'd be the one to care for them and they didn't have time. You can bet why they were so worried about their time, so much to do in the org. One family finally let their second son get a hamster. They talked about it as if it were this big deal. They'd tell about watching it run in its wheel. And the other one, her one son wanted a dog badly all his life, but he never got one. I think that's terrible to deny a kid a pet just because the parent says they don't have time because there is so little time with all the jw crap to keep up with. But I knew others who had them, some had lots. The org, I think, shows veiws against pets, I've seen articles talk about letting other things crowd out your time, including pets.
Posts by Cacky
How do JWs that you know (or knew) view animals?
by Chemical Emotions inall animals, but especially pets.. do they have rather low opinions of animals, veiwing them more as objects to be used and treated however one wishes- after all, god gave them to us for our pleasure, or as "jehovah's creatures" which must be cared for and loved?.
i've seen both veiws, some more extreme than others.. i do think there's a tendency to treat animals less as living creatures that should be respected, and more as unfeeling things.. .
i get a lot of phony *"don't you just love jehovah's beautiful creation?
Are You More Of A Spiritual Person Since Leaving The "Truth"?
by minimus ini don't think i'm more of a spiritual person now..
Absolutely, but it comes from the heart, not "head knowledge" that jws always brag about having.
Anonymous Message to Watchtower
by jwleaks inhttp://www.bit.ly/jwleaks-anonymous.
hello citizens of the world.
we are anonymous.. dear brothers and sisters,.
Cyber, I don't have time to read all the responses, but you asked what is this, us against Iraq. Well, I've often felt it's like us against the Mafia, if that answers your question.
Question? Do you know of any statutory rape, or Child Molestation cases handled as Consensual sex (fornication) by Jehovahs Witnesses Judicial Committees?
by Balaamsass ini was talking about this with the mrs., and we can recount at least half dozen cases in the last 20 years of adult j.w.
men having sex with teenage boys or girls.
not only were the police not informed, but also the victim was treated as a guilty party in fornication.
Don't have time to read replies, but I recall reading from a leaked elders manual that they told the elders to consider such things as: spirituality of the parents, could the child have "egged" on the perpetrator (not exact words, don't remember). After reading that, I just knew, I absolutely know that either now or in the not-so-distant past, one or more gb members was a pedophile (not including Green who they moved to a congregation to continue his molestations there), but I think at least one other is. There is just too much protecting of them for there to not be any other reason, not even protecting "Jehovah's" name.
WT recently settled out-of-court with 5 victims of JW serial molester. Court documents now available to post on any website
by AndersonsInfo inon may 20, 2010, a lawsuit was filed in san diego, california.
defendant, the watchtower of ny, settled out-of-court for an unknown amount of money with the plaintiffs just weeks before the candace conti trial began at the end of may 2012 in oakland, california.
the law firm representing the five plaintifs in this case was .
I never felt comfortable about the student exchange program. I know there a good people who do it for the right reasons, but I always felt it would attract perverts, too. And I'm glad the Watchtower thing is beginning to snowball. It needs to be exposed and stopped. I bit too late for so many, but still it needs to be stopped.
Anyone Notice this in the New Brochure "Good News From God"?
by Cadellin inif you look on page 10, "what is god's purpose for the earth?," you'll see an illustration of adam in the garden--with a belly button!!
what were the wt artists thinking????.
i'd post a scan but, alas, i'm unable to in my present locale..
Actually, our tonsils, gall bladders and spleans have functions in the body, but we can live without them. I think those who have to lose their spleans are considered susceptible to getting infections and things (I think), and they are kind of like someone undergoiong chemo, where they are supposed to be careful not to be around a bunch of germy people. Also, I think the Watchtower once published an article saying Adam and Eve wouldn't have had a belly button, so that's where the complaints come from when someone sees a Watchtower picture of Adam with one.
Ex-bethelite's skull found...
by Calebs Airplane in.
he apparently committed suicide in october 2010.... ex-bethelite's skull found near beach in delaware.
so tragic.... .
I thought your title was a joke. That is sad. We all know what the org can do to people.
Let's make a dictionary of Watchtower terms using Watchtower terms
by brotherunsure ini'll start .
kingdom hall: a place where cult members get together to be faithful and discreet .
Happifying - to make happy. I once read someone's post about that ridiculous made-up word that appeared in one of their books. Why is it I'm thinking Ciro came up with it, I don't know. But the poster said something like, "...it was so sadifying." It was pretty funny.
Did you pick-up many people for the meetings??
by karter ini was a regular taxi for alot of people.. we (wife & family) pick up one sister and her 2 children for many years ...he husband had walked out on her and we did'nt mind.. however when we were asked by the cobe wife to pick up and elderly and infermed bro a 3 day assembly (we had 3 young children) i said no.. we pased her and her daughter traviling alone to the assembly.. .
Oh, I picked up a person or two. But I remember I was able to get dropped off at a meeting and asked and elder's wife (she was of the annointed) if they could drop me off at home, I lived right on their way to their home. She said loudly, "Oh, No! Norman would have a fit. We don't have room with his large bookbag and everything!" I later saw him put that large bookbag in his trunk before they left. I actually had difficulty getting someone to take me home. And I lived not a mile from the KH. I guess I could have walked, but it was uphill and at night, but that seems to be what they would have preferred. I came from a very uncaring congregation!
Did you pick-up many people for the meetings??
by karter ini was a regular taxi for alot of people.. we (wife & family) pick up one sister and her 2 children for many years ...he husband had walked out on her and we did'nt mind.. however when we were asked by the cobe wife to pick up and elderly and infermed bro a 3 day assembly (we had 3 young children) i said no.. we pased her and her daughter traviling alone to the assembly.. .
JWs do like to sue. I was out in service with my young daughter and we called on her return visit, who happened to be her science teacher. Their dog jumped on the car of the driver, who was elder whose wife was a pioneer. The dog put scratches on the driver's side door. The elder was a car salesman and if the scratches didn't come out, he'd have to pay his employer $500. After we left that house, he kept talking about going back to get insurance information from them, so he wouldn't have to pay the $500! My poor daughter was so afraid he was going to do that. Imagine her embarrassment, we went on to their property, so their dog had the right to defend it's owners and property. Fortunately, he decided to wait to see if the maintenance guys at his work could get it out without costing anything, and they did. Shoot, maybe if he had gone back to try to get my daughter's teacher to pay for the damage, it might have caused her so much embarrassment that it could have led to her eventually leaving.