Great game! So much more fun than watching our stinking Browns.
Posts by jaded
OSU-Michigan, was anybody else watching?
by DanTheMan inbest college football game i've ever seen.
and the good guys won!.
i hope that the national championship game isn't a rematch.
Who Will Be Celebrating Thanksgiving & XMas This Year???
by minimus infunny thing about jws----many celebrate thanksgiving but say they're only eating turkey with all the fixings by coincidence.
god made the food to be consumed everyday.
then you get witnesses who celebrate christmas the day before or after with all sorts of presents but they won't give it on the 25th because that day is pagan.
We have been celebrating for about six years now. This year will be the first year that we put up lights outside. I feel so free! No elders better show up at our door!
If you didn't vote yesterday, why not? (I didn't)
by AlmostAtheist inin the u.s. we had a voting day yesterday that decided more than just any one candidate for any one position, but which ideology (democratic or republican) would hold sway over the government.
if ever there was a time to weigh in, you'd think this woulda been it.. but i didn't.. of course i'm lazy.
of course i'm distracted, and busy, and unsure of where to vote.
I feel that politics has gotten to the point where I would be voting for the lesser of two evils. Also, I would never vote for someone who bashes their opponent. That leaves nobody to vote for. As for the issues, they are so confusing that your "yes" vote might really mean "no" and vice versa. I'm just glad the circus is over. I've seen more than enough of the mudslinging commercials and the gaudy yard signs.
Nasty week-end weather wise
by JH ingee, this autumn isn't the best i've seen.
it's windy, rainy, cloudy, cool and a great time to stay inside today.
we didn't have any indian summer this year, and not much heat even in september.. i just hope that the snow won't get here too early this year !.
Thanks for starting this thread. I've been wanting to complain about the weather. Northeast Ohio has had a terrible autumn! This is usually my favorite time of year but it has been cold and rainy. We have a high wind warning and it is supposed to be snowing by morning. Stop sending us this weather! Keep it up north where it
Roll call time - What KH's have you attended.............
by Check_Your_Premises innaperville, dekalb, joliet......... il.
i tried to bump an old thread on this topic, but i couldn't find it.. anyone?
Brookside, Ohio Parma, Ohio Hmm, Jaguarbass this could be fun. We may know each other. If not I'm sure we knew a lot of the same people.
Was there anyone in your congregation that you couldn't get to like?
by JH ini won't use the word "hate", but were there some in your congregation that you just couldn't get along with?.
i recall a brother in my congregation, he was single about 50 years old, and he never smiled, and seemed very rigid and he loved to criticize and say the opposite of everything i would say, when we talked together.. i went to the mall a few weeks ago, and came face to face with him, and he totally ignored me.
so, then i thought to myself, that maybe he is dfd.
The worst one was the phony, two faced MS who would complain about the Elders to the other MS's while kissing the butts of the elders so he could be appointed. As soon as he was an elder he pretty much stopped talking to the MS's. What a hypocritical, conceited jerk. Oh, and he had recently been in trouble for not paying his taxes. Even lost his house. But as long as you kiss butt it is all good.
Inquisition Room/You and B.O E. Anyone?
by bronzefist inrecently had a sitdown with the entire body of elders.
five elders and little old me.
it wasn't a judicial matter.
Hubby told one of the elders that they were a bunch of hypocrites. Of course the elder wanted to see him in the back room. Every elder was there. Too bad hubby didn't think to bring every person from the congregation that had ever called the elders hypocrites. Don't think that would have gone over too well. lol. I am so glad that we are no longer a part of the freak show!
I'm Gonna Be A Grandfather!!!!!
by minimus inmy daughter and her husband told me and her mom last night that she is due december 24th!
it will be our first grandchild.
she'll be 28 and is sooooooo excited!
Congrats!!! There is nothing, and I mean absolutely NOTHING better than grandchildren! You are in for the best part of your life. At least there is one good thing about getting
Love thy neighbor, but only if they are of the same faith
by free2beme inas a witness, i can honestly say i did little to nothing to help people who were not witnesses.
if there was a disaster, i would look to see if the local witnesses were okay and honestly cared nothing about the others.
i donated to no charities, because they would be helping nonwitnesses.
The WTS loves to brag about all the hours spent in field service. What a waste. It's sad, really. Knocking on doors, aggravating the heck out of people. Think of all the real good that could have been done with those hours. If someone did lend a hand to a stranger you can be sure that the person they were helping got an earful about the Kingdom and a Watchtower publication handed to them.
Zealous JW`s having children......
by jambon1 inwhen we had our children we planned them.
we made this known to any in the cong who asked if we 'got a surprise' when we found out we were pregnant.
we basically said, 'no, we wanted children'.
When I announced that I was pregnant back in the '80's one old sister said very sympathetically to me "oh, it is hard not to get pregnant". I was stunned even though I knew that we were constantly being told not to have children. All I remember is my chin hitting the ground in disbelief. I hope I had sense enough to tell her that the baby was planned! Here I am twentysome years later enjoying three grandchildren! They are the best thing that has ever happened to my husband and me!