Are you serious, Londo? I thought this was like amongst the Top 3 in the Ex-JW Essential Reading List (I just made that up, of course, but I like the sound of it). First thing I started doing more of as I started to wake up was READ, READ, READ. It's a shame that most ex-JWs you've spoken to haven't read that spectacular book. It was life-changing for me.
I'm still reading 'Freedom of Mind' right now, gradually. I do think 'Combatting' was helpful in not mentioning JWs--at least it worked for me at the time. The format of it is also unique in that I feel like it does a better job of giving you the basics of what cults do early on, whereas the other books tend to put the parts about getting family members out of a cult much more to the forefront. Personally, I would recommend reading 'Combatting Cult Mind Control' first, if possible, then reading the other books.
One of the particular recurring problems--one I noticed in 'Freedom of Mind' last time I was reading--was that he writes that JWs must use the term "Jehovah" and aren't allowed to say "God". There's some truth in that statement, that is, if you never use the term "Jehovah", you will probably face accusations of apostasy. But JWs do use the term "God" frequently, but they use the name "Jehovah" like they have a trademark on it (okay, well, it is part of their brand name). Even so, I think 'Freedom of Mind' is still more detailed so far in JW issues than any of Hassan's books I've read before. So that's pretty cool.
Any ex-JW who hasn't read 'Combatting Cult Mind Control' needs to read it. Especially those who are freshly out of the cult. Trust me, it's worth it.