jgnat--that photo is why I sleep in the other room, ha ha ha!
from a human apostate talk transcript.. "apostates profess to be followers of jesus..they lie to authorities...apostatesare not sincere in their expressions.
their aim is to manipulate your mind and undermine your faith... they are liars and deceivers" http://www.harvestmessenger.com/forum/index.php?topic=1023.0.
jgnat--that photo is why I sleep in the other room, ha ha ha!
Hey, nice! My 4th is coming up at the end of next month. Congrats, bro!
the day finally comes.
you get up one day with the nagging feeling that it's going to be different.
you get dressed, get in the car, then notice how dark the weather's getting.
Where's that 'Armageddon Hasn't Arrived' thread when we need it?
First, Jesus stated that this preaching
work would take his disciples “to
the most distant part of the earth.”
(Acts 1:8) Second, arrangements would
be needed to provide spiritual food and
to care for those engaged in this work.
(John 21:15-17) Third, provisions would
have to be made so that those preaching
the good news could gather together
to worship Jehovah and be taught how
to carry out the work. (Heb. 10:24, 25)
Accomplishing these goals could not be
done by accident. For Christ’s followers
to be successful, the work would need
to be well-organized.
1. Holy spirit took care of that back in the day, without an organization. But now God needs a little help?
2. Holy spirit taught people the truth. But now God needs to have a printing company, 'cause holy spirit is just a little low.
3. Was just listening to Acts last night, by coincidence. Know what I didn't hear? Territory cards being handed out, field service reports being taken, people practicing field service presentations, people being told what the 'offer of the month' is. So apparently, Christ's followers were NOT successful because the work was not organized as Jehovah's Witnesses are doing today. That's right--we're better than the apostles were on their best day! Mmm! Chest-bump!
wanted Daniel to see that His organization
is in motion, accomplishing
His purpose. Daniel also saw “someone
like a son of man,” Jesus, being given
oversight of the earthly part of Jehovah’s
So now the author of this article apparently--somehow--knows exactly what it was Jehovah wanted Daniel to see. Here I thought nobody could know the mind of God...
And "Jesus, being given oversight of the earthly part of Jehovah's organization"????? There must be something wrong with my glasses, because there is NOTHING in these verses about an organization, much less Jesus being given oversight of an organization. Kingdom? Yeah. Rulership? I can go with that. But organization isn't there. How do they get away with this stuff? If I had just read all the quoted verses too I probably would've been out years ago. Oh, wait, I was out years ago...three or four, to be exact...
How awe-inspiring
it must have been for Ezekiel
to see this vision! He saw Jehovah in full
control of his organization, directing its
movement through his holy spirit. What
an amazing representation of the heavenly
part of Jehovah’s organization on
the move!
So what reason is there to think that this has anything to do with an organization? It's an effin' CHARIOT! How does that become an organization? That's like saying a pizza is an organization, or a car, or a chicken. Anything can be an organization, apparently.
Has the earthly part of Jehovah’s organization
remained focused on the more important
things? Indeed it has!
Can we pat ourselves on the back a bit more? Indeed we can! Though this is a meeting for worship, it's a good time to praise ourselves, the organization.
if the shoe were on the other foot and it was a triumph over some adversity caused by the weather they'd be bragging until the cows come home.
but no, just silently admit defeat on this one.. poor flacid jehovah and his band of merry witnesses - and you know that none of them volunteered to help people with their suddenly newly acquired time off!.
I just can't help laughing at the title of this thread. That is hilarious. Baal is all like, "Hey! That's my job! This privy is taken!"
from a human apostate talk transcript.. "apostates profess to be followers of jesus..they lie to authorities...apostatesare not sincere in their expressions.
their aim is to manipulate your mind and undermine your faith... they are liars and deceivers" http://www.harvestmessenger.com/forum/index.php?topic=1023.0.
So I mean, what are we, like, the team from 'Inception' or something? We sneak in, open your brain-safe, take out The Watchtower and put like, a computer with a 'Crisis of Conscience' PDF on it and Google open?
Or...are we actually your subconscious security team, letting you know there's trouble a-brewin'? I don't know. You tell me.
Great blog!
I agree. That is a great blog! Wow, your story about the 'master' and the 'Your Youth' book sounds so familiar to me! I read the heck out of that chapter on my own. (Young People Ask had TWO chapters--I practically memorized 'em.) We studied it when I was all of 9 years old, and it still took me two more years to figure out what it was talking about. It was nothing but guilt and war with myself ever since then...you were insightful indeed to have figured out so much so young.