Jehovah’s power is revealed in two
shields that keep us safe—the earth’s atmosphere
and its magnetic field. The
atmosphere, for example, does more
than provide us with air to breathe. It
also shields us from the majority [but not all] of
the debris that hurtles through space [occasionally a meteor gets through and injures or kills some people, obviously it was our own fault because Eve at some fruit; God likes to let some through just to remind us who's boss from time to time].
Chunks of rock that could cause massive
damage usually [but not always] burn up on entering
the earth’s atmosphere, creating beautiful
bright streaks of light in the night
sky [or incinerate large parts of the real estate, creating charred hunks of annihilated flesh and bone, which reminds us further of Jehovah's power that he will soon unleash on most of the human population].