This was always one of the most disturbing WT articles I can recall ever reading. If you can stomach it, anyone who is wondering about the nature of this organization should take some time and read some of the 1950s Watchtower articles. The tone of quite a few of those articles is outright hostile, even some of the responses to Questions From Readers--they actually go on ad hominem attacks against readers who asked legitimate questions! One classic article about DF'ing, as I recall, told people who are DF'd to basically get out and die along with the rest of Satan's world.
I think above all the other problems, this attitude towards DF'ing that the Society had was one of the biggest things that told me something was wrong. In reading about Jesus' life, I was always struck at how he took an interest in the worst sinners, despite the contempt that others may have had for such people. The Watchtower seemed to be quite the opposite, utterly inflexible about it all.
But I guess for those of us who got out, we can be thankful that we're not under people who think this way. Because it really is a sick way to view one's fellow humans, whatever they may have done. But to remember that it's still the same god who ordered a man's execution for gathering wood on a Saturday. So...they're just a reflection of Jehovah's many wonderful qualities...