I think to since it was the public talk they were kissing up to the visiting bible studies knowing that the rank and file will not take the bait.
Yup. Public Edition talk, in a Study Edition convention...
so, off we went to the dc.
the public talk was "what is truth".
in it, the speaker said, "the truth can stand up to any scrutiny.
I think to since it was the public talk they were kissing up to the visiting bible studies knowing that the rank and file will not take the bait.
Yup. Public Edition talk, in a Study Edition convention...
was it worth attending?.
is your survival more sure now?.
which part of gods word is truth!
Just out of curiosity, can someone please tell me which DC congregations in Washington DC are assigned to.
If I'm not mistaken, you can find out via jw.org. I think there's a section for convention dates based on region.
I might add that I'm sure a lot of folks from the DC area are attending in Richmond, VA at the Coliseum this month. I'll be headin' down next weekend myself. Maybe I'll start a thread or three about how it goes when I'm down there.
the jw's are taking it a little too far.
people have to wait in line and be tortured by the sight of this.. .
They're not even supposed to be using the word "free" on their display, unless they changed that recently or something. Also, I'm surprised they were allowed to do that right on top of government property. Well, whatever. Easier than streetwork, I would imagine, if you get to sit down...
these are things that were said or insinuated, i start with the first 15.
1. working for a corporation in the city makes you fall out of the truth.. 2. if you become inactive or leave jehovah you will make your whole family sad and ruin everything.. 3. all worldly people cheat.. 4. all worldly people curse.. 5.
What happens when these young men marry that pretty little pioneer sister in the hall who also never had to do any chores because she was pioneering and had a mother that did everything for her?
She'll whine and nag until he does the chores, or no 'marital due' for him. Well, no 'marital due' anyway, but that'll just be another justification for it. Just a theory, though...
these are things that were said or insinuated, i start with the first 15.
1. working for a corporation in the city makes you fall out of the truth.. 2. if you become inactive or leave jehovah you will make your whole family sad and ruin everything.. 3. all worldly people cheat.. 4. all worldly people curse.. 5.
The movie really illustrates how JW kids for the most part, are not equipped to handle life. No wonder the self-destruct at the first sign of hardship.
As a born-in, I completely agree. Emotional intelligence and maturity are extremely low. It's made for an unpleasant transition to adulthood.
" It's like a death.." LOL!! The kid wasn't even DF'd, and never was! Still, his growing up and becoming independent as children do, was likened to a death!?
I can remember how hurt I was when my brother was guilty of fornication back in high school. It's so weird looking back on how extreme and unnecessary it all was. I hope my kids don't have to go through this, but honestly I have no frame of reference to help them be more balanced in this regard. It makes me wonder what they'll be like in 20 years.
But the dramas have always been kinda weird. It certainly makes me wonder on what planet there would really be people who acted like this....
in another thread, what's new for 2013 - lo nuevo de 2013, jwn member, oppostate, posted news of dc releases at this year's district conventions.
among the releases was this: .
a new dvd for 2013: the return of the prodigal son.
I've said it before in another thread about 'The Hunger Games' trilogy holding so many parallels to the WTBTS (for anyone who hasn't read the books, I highly recommend them).
I second that, absolutely loved those. Planning to get around to reading 'Mockingjay' a second time in the near future. You know that propaganda film they show at the start? In the first movie, it sounded eerily like a WTS video, even the imagery reminded me of it.
it seems hardly a day can go by now without someone making a smutty comment and i really don't get it.. there is no need to interject talk of masturbation, sluts, gay sex or toys into every topic.
what are we, teenagers?.
please think twice before posting such comments.
So does that mean "that's what she said" is not allowed, I mean, unless it's related to something that she said that cannot be interpreted in an inappropriate way? I just want to make sure here. "From now on, 'she' is gonna say nothing--that's what I said!"
well, i have been studying jws religion ,my cousin is a jw and i have visited him a lot of times.i have watched his way of living and things like that.i have been at the district convention last week.i read so many things from both sides.i came to the conclusion that if someone believes god exists then it is so easy and he should be a jehovah's witness.sadly its true and that is why so many people are and every year they baptised even more.. stories about jws reducing?wrong.. facing problems?
false.. everybody in the convention had an ipad ,iphones etc with the bible in it.
+ wifi .
If you had to go to a backroom and face a judicial committee, have all your friends and family shun you thereafter, then you would understand.
"And when it is done, when your relationship with Jehovah is....ashes....then you have my permission to die."
complete donation what happened?.
today i added a new article to my blog showing part of a never before publicized letter where the watchtower organization makes admission of how jehovahs witnesses actually responded to the 1990 change to its complete donation arrangement.
my article is titled complete donation what happened?
Very interesting...but they're not passing collection plates at all, right? But then, when your brain is on the collection plate, why would they need to?
i had an interesting conversation with bobby (*some names have been changed) last weekend.
he's also a successful fader going back several years before me.
but i found we had something in common that i hadn't realized.. bobby had never been particularly happy growing up.
Good thread. I certainly struggled with depression myself--still do, really--and part of it is certainly the result of never standing up for myself and sort of participating in the self-immolation the WT encouraged. Finding out it was all a lie made it all simultaneously worse and better. I see now that the organization was a useless crutch--couldn't move with it and I'm not exactly going anywhere without it, either. I was already pessimistic and paranoid of things and people, yet I seemed to trust all the people I shouldn't have, even after waking up.
There were times in the past when I wanted to forget TTATT, but they were very brief. The more I've learned, the more I appreciate how much deeper my intellect has become and how much my moral code has evolved. In itself, that's hugely exciting and has been a source of comfort. It's sad because I have to shut down my emotions in order to survive it all. I have to care less about the people I care the most about, because I know that they have to avoid me or keep me at arm's length. Even my children...will grow up to shun me. Knowing that I have no one in my life, at home, I mean, to share my deepest thoughts with--yeah, that's pretty sad. I'm sure Mrs. sd-7 might well feel the same way, for all I know.
I do know that it's better to see that leaving the WT did not in itself make my life any worse. Mostly it was marrying the wrong person that did that, and dating an equally wrong person just before that that kind of messed up the exit strategy (there was a strategy? Not really, I wanted to self-destruct at that point because it was overload for me emotionally). Mainly it's the stress of marriage that has made the depression a bit of a challenge, and knowing that the JW stuff is still in my home and my life. But I have myself to blame for that and I own the responsibility for it. It seems that while I thought I no longer had to fight against myself, I still proved my own worst enemy in the end.
Being a JW meant endless war. Leaving just meant that the enemy became more complicated and less clear, but war didn't really end. I was left with only myself to trust and I see that I can't even do that without endangering my own hope for a peaceful life beyond the WT.
I still think humanity is probably doomed, just not in the same way I did before. It's depressing to know that there's no hope to return to, only the hope I can create for myself, in my own mind. The only thing left is to see the end of it all, to see where it's all leading, to see the kids grow up, run the clock out, and die as irrelevant as I was when I was born.
The only good thing that came out of TTATT was that I now know a little more than I did before. Meaningless in the end, but a slight improvement.