Branch headquaters in both the usa and the uk have sent a leter to all kingdom halls telling JWs to be more careful where they place magazines etc and now that i have had over 800 teaching books from the trolleys they are getting very carful in the magazines,booklets etc that they let me have.As for cost that depends where you live.If you live on the west coast then the magazines have to travel 1000s of miles to get to you.People in the uk get all their teaching books from the usa and at some point in the future they will be closing the print works around london down and the watchtower and awake will be printed in germany so that will cost them more in transport costs.
If you saw a bottle of poison on the kerbside would you leave it there,most people would try and put it somewhere safe.I put the teaching books in a trash can because in 5 years time some person could take that and be sucked into the jw cult but they cant if the book is in a trash can