AND this is when they are not printing between 40 and 60 million magazines a month as well.AND all 3 carts in my city have gone from 200 and 300 page teaching books to single page tracts
JoinedPosts by pepperheart
My Old Kingdom Hall being merged with TWO other congregations!
by pale.emperor inthis can only be a good sign.. my old congregation in liverpool has had a lot of money in it's bank account for years.
for a long, long time (almost 8 years) they've been looking for land to build a new hall.
the one they're in now is literally falling to bits.
by pepperheart innow they are not printing between 40 and 60 million magazines a month what do people think they are doing with the money?.
Now they are not printing between 40 and 60 million magazines a month what do people think they are doing with the money?
Three congregations dissolved and a kingdom hall sold within a 50 mile radius in my area...
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE inhas anyone else heard of these situations with congregations and halls in your area?
i thought the ground breaking mandatory pledge a little while ago was to keep up with "immense" growth?
how soon they forget... looks really bleak for the future of the wbats, the jw gravy train seems to be coming to a slow and agonizing yet inevitable stop.
AND this is when they are not publishing between 40 and 60 million magazines a month worldwide as well :-) im so looking forward to these next few years
Are the J.W's reaching a "Tipping point"?
by karter ini haven't been to a meeting in 15 years but my mother and sister are hard as j.w's.
the brothers they are appointing elders are at best suspect like one guy from my old hall made elder,big time drug used before becoming a j.w his talks are all over the place and would have struggled to make m,s years ago but with at least 60 to 70 % of young ones leaving the pool to pick from is at best reduced.. 2 other recent elders both young and zero life experience both on benefits one not well at all falls asleep all the time.. the decent,kind elders mostly older and are decent people with alot of life experience are burning out fast as there are so few of them left like 3 per congro of 100 publishers.. then you have the rich elders who wouldn't ever think of inviting some poor older or mis-fit person out to the expensive placers they go to as they couldn't afford to go so they are above the r&f and the r&f get pissed off with them.
then we have the ones who have "put the kingdom 1st" who are now old worn out and barely getting by from welfare cheque to welfare cheque that are saying "the system should have been over many years ago" it's still here and they are struggling everyday.. then there are the pioneers who have a low payed reduced hour job that seem to think anyone who has anything is totally materialistic and looks down on anyone getting a new car buying a house ect.. along with the child abuse issues,the generation change,access to information the the g.b don't want anyone to know ,not to mention the issues around blood.. is there a tipping point coming????
A tipping point YES according to their own websites they have closed 20 branch offices around the world
they are printing 40 million magazines a month less
They have moved from new york to sell prime land off
they are due to be selling the london headquaters off
they have kicked out 1,000s of people from bethels around the world
They have taken contral of all the KHs so that when the money from the bethels at new york and london run out
they can start selling kingdom halls off
The perfect answer if you get asked to go to the memorial
by pepperheart ini will go next year :-) .
I will go next year :-)
Very intresting
by pepperheart inhi on the jw broadcast site they have about 5 days ago put up a special video about how people should fogive and if they dont they will become bitter.
do you think the watchtower know how many court cases around the world they have got coming up this coming year .
Hi on the jw broadcast site they have about 5 days ago put up a SPECIAL video about how people should fogive and if they dont they will become bitter. Do you think the watchtower know how many court cases around the world they have got coming up this coming year
by pepperheart inon the front of the 2016 year book it says that the watchtower is spending $200 million us dollars a year on special pioners etc if they get $1 billion us dollars from selling all the buildings at bethel in new york by my mats that gives them another five years or so.what might happen after that ????
On the front of the 2016 year book it says that the watchtower is spending $200 million us dollars a year on special pioners etc if they get $1 billion us dollars from selling all the buildings at bethel in new york by my mats that gives them another five years or so.What might happen after that ???? :-)
I spoke to 2 Jobos on a cart but I refused to discuss religion
by punkofnice ini was in a good mood yesterday (makes a bloody change, i hear you say).
i was meeting an old buddy for a meal.
he was never a jobo.
I think it did occur to the watchtower and they might have planed it like that ???.People on the carts are not allowed to make the first move they can only stand there and hope that somebody makes the first move.But its good for them sa they can get their hours in and if the weather is nice then its doubly good.And its good for the watchtower because the rank and file are not espically bothered about giving out mags and books so they keep on the trolley and have a very long shelf life.I have taken books that were printed in 2012 2010 2006 and even 2004.(and trashed them of course )On some carts they even put the mags and books in little plastic bags to keep them longer
Dose Wt really have that much cash.
by joe134cd ini realize that wt has got a wind fall of cash through various means.
so my question is in the greater scheme of things is it really that much.
for example let's say with all their real estate and cash on hand they are worth about $20 billion dollars.
It looks as i shall have to start trashing books and mags again because they will run out of money to replace them
Life is changing for me: no pioneering, got a job!
by Skepsis ina month ago i decided to register in this board.
i had decided to step down pioneering but was frightened about the consequences.
i had finished my university degree some months before (despite disaproval from brothers in my congregation) and i had to choose: continue pioneering and working in jobs with no future or starting a career, working full-time.. i was thinking to postpone the decisiton but... i was fed up with preaching.
skepis the GB dont think the end is near, why would they have people spending millions of hours building the new bethel when they could have been on FS.They could have had non jws building the new bethel and let the jws do field service BUT they did not in 20 or 30 years you will be so glad you have done in getting on with your life.