Inspired by many on JWN board, my goal is to every Sunday study the article and find the manipulative parts. If you would like to join me that would be great! We can then find them together and then find what the scriptures or insights truly means with research, our own understanding, or maybe how it should be interpreted to one’s self. The benefit here is yes we have Critical Thinking Skills and/or we have the power of Holy Spirit. Please ALL comments are welcome, for example: For ones believing in God who uses prayer and Holy Spirit, others scriptures or interpretations are welcome! For ones who don’t believe in God but enjoy theology using the scripture insight for their ethical principles, other sources, quotes, or words of wisdom are welcome! |
Watchtower (Study) — OCTOBER 15, 2011 for December 5-11 Wise Counsel on Singleness and Marriage |
{Scripture under title} “This I am saying . . . to move you to that which is becoming and that which means constant attendance upon the Lord without distraction.”—1 COR. 7:35. |
My examination is: A demanding demeanor but looking at other translations you see how lovingly this was said as this is a benefit for you not a demand, to serve the Lord best. 1 Corinthians 7:35 New Living Translation (NLT) 35 I am saying this for your benefit, not to place restrictions on you. I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible. 1 Corinthians 7:35 Worldwide English (New Testament) (WE) 35 I say this to help you, not to make it hard for you. I want to show you what is good. I do not want anything to stop you from serving the Lord. 1 Corinthians 7:35 King James Version (KJV) 35And this I speak for your own profit; not that I may cast a snare upon you, but for that which is comely, and that ye may attend upon the Lord without distraction. 1 Corinthians 7:35 New International Version (NIV) 35 I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord. |
{paragraph 5} 5 A notable feature of Paul’s words to the Corinthians is his positive view of singleness. (Read 1 Corinthians 7:8.) Although Paul was unmarried, he did not exalt himself over those who were married, as the celibate clergy of Christendom do. Rather, the apostle highlighted an advantage that many unmarried ministers of the good news enjoy. What is that advantage? |
My examination is: “exalt himself “ wow yeah like the Governing Body does as a group when comparing themselves to leaders and telling them to obey their nonsense (note back to the September Watchtower we just got through with), like that’s any better. Funny they had to add in the second sentence in the paragraph, “celibate clergy of Christendom” pretty much disrespects the Catholics right there. “Peter, the first pope, and the apostles that Jesus chose were, for the most part, married men. The New Testament implies that women presided at Eucharistic meals in the early church” My link just shows that pretty much they recognize the advantage of singleness but they did have popes who were married. |
{Paragraph 7} 7 Many unmarried Christians use their current circumstances to accomplish much in behalf of the Kingdom. Sara and Limbania, single pioneers in Bolivia, moved to a village where the people had not received a witness for years. Would the lack of electricity be a problem? They reported: “There is no radio or TV, so the people are not distracted from their main pastime, which is reading.” Some villagers showed the pioneers copies of publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses that they were still reading but that were long out of print. Because the sisters found interest at almost every door, they had difficulty calling on every household in the territory. One elderly woman told them: “The end must be near because Jehovah’s Witnesses have reached us at last.” Some in that village were soon attending congregation meetings. |
My examination is: Probably because they learned that the teachings have changed that only SOME started attending meetings and they have also learned that sadly the end isn’t here yet and well it will always be near for the Jehovah’s Witnesses, they claimed to many times the date of the end and will it never came so now it will always be near! |
{Paragraph 12} 12 A single Christian desiring to get married may receive a proposal from someone of doubtful spirituality or even from an unbeliever. If that happens to you, remember that the heartache that results from making a bad choice in a marriage mate can cause greater pain by far than the longing that a person feels while single. And once married, for better or for worse, you are bound to your mate for life. (1 Cor. 7:27)Do not out of desperation make a decision to marry that you will later regret.—Read 1 Corinthians 7:39 |
My examination is: Remember that there is only heart ache when … [you listen to the elders and not your heart guided by reasoning of coarse] can cause greater pain by far than [being a numb person that keeps themselves overly busy to avoid what they truly want in life]. Half way true statement in the paragraph here. Nobody wants to marry and regret it later. But there are many ones that have married an unbeliever and have become a better person and lived in good standing by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. |
{Paragraph 19} 19 Servants of Jehovah are resolved to remain morally chaste. Some decide to marry so as to avoid problems in this area. Marriage, though, does not furnish automatic protection against sexual uncleanness. In Bible times, a fortified city protected the people only if they remained inside its walls. If a person went outside the gate when bandits and marauders were roaming about, he could be robbed or killed. Likewise, married people find protection from immorality only if they stay within the sexual bounds that the Originator of marriage has established for them. |
My examination is: (Looking at it from a different perspective) In Bible times, a fortified city (kinda like the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses) protected the people only if they remained inside its walls (strict rules to keep them in). If a person went outside the gate (if a person got disfellowshipped) when bandits and marauders were roaming about (maybe they are referring to prostitutes and hookers that seem to be at every corner, just kidding) he could be robbed or killed (because the guy like many disfellowshipped can’t think for themselves and maybe can’t contain themselves so people take advantage of him/them) Ok ok So I kinda got off the main point here. They are trying to avoid ones to get married recklessly but with some leeway… I mean we don’t want people to go around having sex or have “brazen conduct” with random partners all the time and call themselves Christian right? Ahh it brings me back to when I had a few brothers who were neither interested in marrying me or courting me but interested in giving me “my first kiss” etc. and well hearing of his conduct with other women he was messing with (words from him himself I messed around with so and so), I was a bet insulted and couldn’t believe how some brothers could go around with this persona and yet be doing this in the background. Funny thing is men that weren’t Jehovah’s Witnesses with Christian backgrounds and with good morals (not standards like JW that is) gave more respect to woman when dating them then most “desperate” Jehovah Witness men! Yes some may have felt it was ok personally for sex before marriage but when discussing it with them they were raised the same way in that it was looked down upon. Side note: There are interesting tips on morals and humanist principles that relate to the body. Refer to Parenting Beyond Belief by Dale McGowan who identified seven secular virtues. For other guidance I found this site to be helpful |
{Paragraph 20} …However, some husbands and wives spend long periods of time apart—taking separate vacations or being away from each other because of secular work, thus depriving each other of the “due.”… |
My Examination is: Why can’t they say because of too much studying, talks to bring up, counseling of the sheep, field service work, or regular meetings. No but their jobs can get in the way… well let’s think of why they have to do secular work and deprive of their “due”. - discouraged of furthering their education -discouraged of taking any work period that hinders their meeting attendance and field service etc. - the job market in in-itself is in poor shape -most have faced unemployment and have to find what they can to provide for their family (because yes the Organization can demand obedience but can they provide anything other than hope) Maybe they need to look at the problem they are causing… more harm than good is what I see. |