nicely said lime! i also agree with truejw. thanks simon for this post!
JoinedPosts by Butterflyleia85
The Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA) [WARNING]
by Simon inuncensored discussions and information for anyone interested in the advocates for awareness of watchtower abuses or 'aawa' (previously known as "the association of anti-watchtower activists and how it's handled and responded to privacy issues and put people at risk:.
aawa is here!!
(the association of anti-watchtower activists)an invitation to a new effort- aawawhy when i logged onto aawa did it go to facebook ?in regards to aawaaawa - every generation needs a new revolution - thomas jeffersonnotice how the introduction of the aawa has brought out the loonies lately?will aawa become another cult?
Got an interview
by LouBelle inas some of you know, i had no job last year, then finally got something in an industry that i know nothing about.
the environment and people haven't been the best, but i had to stick it out and hope that things would improve.
i have kept my eye and ears open for opportunities more in my field of expertise - which is print advertising.. i sent through my cv for a job i saw advertised in the newspaper for an advertising sales rep - applied and now i have an interview to go too tomorrow.. i've learnt not to get my hopes up - i am glad for the interview and i hope it goes well..
congradulations on your interview!! my mom has had it hard finding a job. she is in her 50's now and was laid off from a company losing business about four years ago. i was getting scared for her at one point. but she pulled through, never finding a job in accounting but still it's a job and thank goodness it's just herself she has to look out for. i don't know your story or anything but hope you all the best!!
Commitee and disfellowshipment
by Freeof1914 ini have only posted on here several times, but i am constantly reading what others post.
i guess i am more of a reader than author.
that being said i am happy to announce i am no longer one of the jehovah's witnesses.
Wow Freeof1914!! You spoke so well!
i think i found a church
by unstopableravens ini really enjoyed church today, i have been visting serevel in the last few weeks, all the ones i have been to have been okay, but no more, but today i felt comfortable with everything i seen.
it seemed very doctrinally sound, christ centered and the big bonus i did not hear a word about money!
they did not pass a plate(i dont know if they do but today there was none).
I'm a fan of FlyingHighNow and jgnat... nicely said ladies.
Caliber... you make a good point as well... I am glad to see scriptures to back up statements.
(just reading... and learning here)
Do You Blame Your Current Life's Issues Because You Were A JW?
by minimus indo you tend to blame your problems on the fact that you were a jehovah's witness?.
Wow I'm slow I didn't realize this is an old thread... I just happened to look up at Theocratic Sedition's comment. RIP Oompa.. :(
Do You Blame Your Current Life's Issues Because You Were A JW?
by minimus indo you tend to blame your problems on the fact that you were a jehovah's witness?.
I so need!!! to hear this right now!!! :) You all are smart... I need help. :( wish I found a church or some kind of support group. I wish I had more time on my hands... I have two babies and I just don't have time. It sucks sometimes... I can't avoid this feeling in my head forever... this questions. When I do focus on the now and see my babies I am greatful but there still is this big hole in me.
i think i found a church
by unstopableravens ini really enjoyed church today, i have been visting serevel in the last few weeks, all the ones i have been to have been okay, but no more, but today i felt comfortable with everything i seen.
it seemed very doctrinally sound, christ centered and the big bonus i did not hear a word about money!
they did not pass a plate(i dont know if they do but today there was none).
REALLY REALLY good posts here about church! ... I'm looking as well... well not hard but I one day will atempt to go by my self. :S Wish my hubby would come with me. I been a few times on holidays with his mom and step mom. I'd say I go twice a year... Easter and Christmas. but their program just doesn't do to much for me... well I shouldn't say that, I mean is I wanna go on a regular bases. Really understand the scritures in other ways... that make sence. I been programmed... unprogrammed. now I want to be guided a little.
by Butterflyleia85 init is not a cult!!!
if you weren't mesmerized by the internet since ya know it never lies!
read the bible how do they go against it.
my fb friend is in denial like most jws.
by Butterflyleia85 init is not a cult!!!
if you weren't mesmerized by the internet since ya know it never lies!
read the bible how do they go against it.
ha yeah arbolesdearabia, they can call names so easly but when it comes to calling them a cult they get so defiencive. you said their is no evidence the term applies to 'dissisent's of a man made organization', where do they get the term from and it's definision and what is the correct use of apostates.
by Butterflyleia85 init is not a cult!!!
if you weren't mesmerized by the internet since ya know it never lies!
read the bible how do they go against it.
After private messaging her about her post she sent this message to me on FB...
Thank you {my name} !!!! I truly appreciate you coming to me like this!!! Its why I am still friends with you . You are not using Facebook to hurt anyone but to talk with others that "get you" or " get what you are saying" .
{Our FB friend that is not baptised but was raised a JW I think I will have to ask her and see} has been malicious and actually lied about treatment against her from family and friends. Most JW friends of hers removed themselves as friends or she removed them. I mean its easy to see why. Gosh this why I'm friends with you I've known some of your family FOREVER lol I admit I've been warned but I told them you've never really posted things like she has . I think I remember one time a year ago or more about how you hated growing up about holidays and such. ME I've never understood this thing about holidays or birthdays. Still to this day not even for a religious reason I will not and are not going to do them. Religious I've done my research from a non witness way (they don't like it but oh we'll) I think Easter & Christmas is the holidays that disgust and bother me. The ONLY reason Christmas exists is basically Roman Catholics didn't want "bad people" having orgies under the new moon I think the new moon and it was made into a Christian holiday!!!! Now atheists take part in it THAT bothers me. WHY does getting together and giving each other gifts have to be called "Christmas " if it isn't about Jesus at all. Gosh I actually would just want to sit and talk with you like meet up let the big kids play and bebe's entertain us and just maybe talk about this stuff??? You and I both been disfellowshipped and I feel we know better at how each other feel unlike someone who wants attention asking for ones to say mean things on purpose . Why this person HAS to do it I do not know. But let's try to get together that is IF you want too? I wouldn't mind a drive to {where I use to live, I will have to let her know don't live there anymore} !!