Interesting parallel. I think the answer, mle, is circumstantial. There is a place for the use of military might - I think the current effort to oust Gadhafi might qualify, although the jury's still out. Certainly bringing down the Nazis did (with our without headphones). The answer, I think, is no, but it's not a question of what's worse, it's a question of what's bad.
LOL I like how you used my Hitler avy to add umph to your point. In the same vein that the military is a necessary institution in some cases, I feel the same can be said with JWs. There's a lot that JWs have done and do for people that doesn't get discussed on this forum due to the obvious reasons considering the makeup of those on this forum. The problem lies with the WT overextending themselves on certain matters that shouldn't concern them such as blood and family ties. As far as proselytizing and culpability, as someone who still regularly goes out in field service, my conscience doesn't bother me. I can't speak for other active JWs, but I don't expect to convert anyone in field service. Conversion here in the States is largely a joke. The chances of an American converting are pretty much slim to none, at least in the city that I reside. Field Service is largely a mere formality with no substance in the act, or in the heart of the publisher. At the same time, I feel in some cases JWs might do a good thing by sharing a positive thought from the Scriptures to those in need. Considering problems typical of the inner city, some of those folks need something, if not, anything for that matter to give them something positive in life.