Athletes Wolves Pet =
Twelve apostles
It was a tuffy
rejudged for hurt.
can you follow with another?.
Athletes Wolves Pet =
Twelve apostles
It was a tuffy
rejudged for hurt.
can you follow with another?.
Ok a clue. They prevented apostasy apparently.
rejudged for hurt.
can you follow with another?.
so what do you make my second one?
My first unsolved one is a famous group.
rejudged for hurt.
can you follow with another?.
If I add another one am I spamming?
Alien Voter
rejudged for hurt.
can you follow with another?.
How about this one then?
Athletes Wolves Pet
rejudged for hurt.
can you follow with another?.
Rejudged For Hurt
Can you follow with another?
around a dozen years ago my congregation organised a "cong" party.
all went well until out 80 year old anointed sister sang "big spender".
i have never seen our cong so scared before.. .
Around a dozen years ago my congregation organised a "cong" party. All went well until out 80 year old anointed sister sang "Big Spender". I have never seen our cong so scared before.
What odd/scary things have you seen anointed people do in your vicinity?
do we as humans need the love of a signifcant other to be truly complete?.
i was born single and then got married.
despite going thru a divorce my happiest days were whilst courting and married.. w.
Do we as humans need the love of a signifcant other to be truly complete?
I was born single and then got married. Despite going thru a divorce my happiest days were whilst courting and married.
got drunk.
taken drugs (non medicinal).
Have you ever?
Got drunk
Taken drugs (non medicinal)
Whilst a witness?
The worst I did was take a puff of a cigarette (yes I inhaled) as a 12 year old. Am now 37 and kinda still feel guilty!
i cried.. w.