Hi Tyu...Thankyou for your responce.
You said "I dont comprehend it at all. How can we as finite creatures comprehend the mysteries of the infinate?But that shouldnt stop as sriving to lrarn and understand all we can"
Well in fairness the topic of your post is. Continuity of the bible-start to finnish.
So whilst you kindly responded to my post, you faied to answer my questions with the biblical scripture to support your beliefs as I requested.
The bible offers no scripture support to suggest Adam was created perfect. It says Adam was created in gods image.Notice after eating the fruit the bible says Adam was now likeness.
Would you rather be created in gods image or likeness?
Adam certainly wasnt created physically perfect, because he was created in a dying state. Otherwise why would he need to eat from the tree of life to live forever.
If we take the account in the literal way he reads, Adam was given a choice with a consequence, and he exersised the right to that choice and consequence.
The origional word for knowledge means door, and Adam chose to enter the door of being in the likeness of god (The explanation as to why he did this is not given) we can speculate that he loved Eve so much that he wanted to support her in what she did for numerouse reasons.We can speculate that the serpent was Jesus, who told the truth. We can speculate with good reason that the Lord God in the creation account was satan.This can be supported by many scriptues in the bible , for example Isiah. 45v7 Jehovah God says"I form the light and create darkness. I make peace and create evil. I the lord (Jehovah do all these things) compare this with Acts 26v18"To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to the light,and from the power of satan to god"
So if we read the creation account we find there is God, The Lord., and The Lord God . Do you assume these are all the same God?
Why did Jesus speak so highly of the serpent to his disciples? Even instucting them to be as cautiose as a serpent?
Did Adam and Eve die on the day they eat of the fruit or were their eyes opend and they became in Gods likeness as the serpent said .
If we inherited sin through Adam, who created the genetics that allowed sin to pass on to us through Adam?
If we are looking for continuity of the bible from -start to Finish, and are not lazy, but eager to learn,strive and understand we need to challenge beliefs that were ingraind in us without biblical support. We need to search and study independantly or certainly without a organisation that demands we accept all they teach.
I think a good starting point from leaving the witnesses is to try and forget everything they taught. To start with a clean page so to speak. And to then find as many questions on a subject as possible. The answers can come later.