Poor Charles Taze Russell, I can only imagine the looks he will get when he is ressurected
JoinedPosts by Truthexplorer
by Think About It ini'm new here and probably missed the latest discussion of the beard topic.
what's the latest on beards in jw society?
i'm 2 weeks into a beard and just got to wondering about it.
My world has come to an end.
by is there help out there in<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } p { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> .
my name is o`mar p. clark.
i was born and raised a jw.
er...........eh.........I guess eggs are good for you
NEW GENERATION DEFINED -- April 15, 2010 Watchtower
by Ultimate Reality infrom jw.org, here is the new definition of the generation from the april 15, 2010 watchtower.. .
article: holy spirits role in the outworking of jehovahs purpose.
13 third, holy spirit is at work in bringing bible.
I am still in the process of writing up my letter to the society (9 pages so far- will be an anonymous email with part of my name and an old address from when I was a child to ensure they read it. Of course with an explanation at the end as to explain the reason why I need to remain anonymous) and will be including this laughable teaching that seems to change like the weather. I will have to wait till I receive the WT first though, and just need to be patient.
By the way, I asked the missus when the April WT was coming out. She was asking why I wanted to know this as she knows I look up forums on the net (something she would never do -not to my knowledge anyway) I just said er I think there will be new light on the generation change again!! She just looked at me with her semi disaproval stare as usual. But, she will soon be reading this nonsense for herself .
Mill Hill Disfellowshippings
by BorgHater ina few months ago there was a thread about a couple of elders at the mill hill bethel being disfellowshipped because they disagreed with some wt doctrine (i can't recall exactly what it was) and that several other betheliteswere under 'investigation'.
i haven't heard anything since, does anyone know anything more about this?.
borghater xx.
I have just done my usual nightly scan of active topics that catch my eye and have to say I am astonished at what has happened in London. I went to Mill Hill Bethel a couple of times as had been invited there by the couple who studied with myself and my sister.
You might not think it, but you were very courageous to stand up for what you believed. I wish I had that same courage. I guess fear of being disfellowshipped and then shunned is the main factor why thousands of people like myself are trapped in an organisation that exerts so much control in our lives, which I am sure you will be aware of.
Strangely enough tonight I spoke to my wife about the context of 1 cor 11:18-34 (I daily study the bible and hardly read the WTbts publications anymore). I explained in great detail to my wife the context of this portion of scripture which I am sure you are very well aware off. This portion of scripture explains itself; yet the society have twisted it to teach that only the holy ones are to partake of the emblems (because Jesus is only mediator to the 144000 of course)
For years I have believed that Christ is mediator to all who choose to follow him as clearly mentioned in scripture; and am increasingly finding it more and more offensive the societies teaching that Jesus is mediator to the 144000 only.
Funnily enough, as I was speaking to her, I was very expressive and almost showing zeal for what I was trying to explain. The society have got this very wrong and am sure that they are struggling with this teaching, particularly in light of their latest change (yet again) in their teaching of 'this generation' which will be brought out in the April WT this year (if the source is correct).
I wish I had the same courage as you and the others involved. I wish you all the best in your new path in life, and pray that the the Holy Spirit continue to guide you into real Godly truth.
Take care
Any former BETHELITES that have joined JWD in the Past Year???
by What-A-Coincidence ini was in wallkill from 94-96 and brooklyn from 96-05. i worked in the it dept.. .
Aw snap, that video had me in stitches..made my day
WACoincidence. You should maybe type in last 10 years...maybe you will get more bites
Why Do Some Elders Go After "Faded Ones" While Others Leave Us Alone?
by minimus inso far, no one has really bothered me.
i always wonder why.
then i read of how some are always getting calls and visits.
I think you are right. Though I returned to the meetings and am only managing to go now and again (as thinking of fading again), i personally think they (the boe in each congregation-to a degree) are afraid to rock the boat, particularly if you are known to have doubts and/or you have other members of your family attending; as they are all too aware of the repurcussions. The boe in my hall are probably well aware of my doubts as I spoke to one of them once, but they never bothered me for years during my last long term fade, which I did wonder about.
I beleive that they will only generally go after you if you are quite outspoken, in which case they can then say they have clear grounds to bring things to a closure.
how did you get to hear that elders from other halls wanted to do something about you?? Why were such elders so keenly interested in doing something about someone from another hall??
Snow in UK stops meetings!
by fokyc inmost congregations in this area had no meeting last thursday,.
they have now cancelled tomorrows meetings .
perhaps snow is worse than the internet!.
last 2 meetings cancelled at our cong (Thurs and Sunday). Will be interesting to see how empty the hall is tomorrow! .
Why Would Someone Like me Leave the "Truth"? Part 4
by cantleave inreason number 3 should this happen in gods chosen organisation?.
my previous 3 posts dealing with this subject have discussed some incidents that played an important part in my waking up to the fact that i was part of a high control cult ,called by its members the truth.
these events were not entirely responsible for my exit, but they added to a portfolio of doubts that i had subconsciously filed away in the wait on jehovah drawer.
Hi Cantleave
Slimeball sounds like he wouldnt know justice if it was spelt out to him.
To do what he did was just devious. So much for speaking to your brother first regarding an accusation (in accordance with scripture).
There was absolutlety no need for what he did in embarrasing you like that. To storm out the way you did was justified.
Slimeball might fool some, but he doesnt fool God.
ps, up untill now I thought you were american he he. You are more closer to home than I thought!
Why Would Someone Like me Leave the "Truth"? Part 3 Continued
by cantleave inmike and i decided that we would find out where he lived and visit him.
he had moved to completely different area but we were new elders and determined to get our man.
we confronted bro smith on his doorstep after establishing where his house was and waiting outside long enough to ensure that he was in.
Thanks for your candid experience Cantleave.
I personally am at the point where I can no longer tell people outright that I am one of Jehovahs Witness because I am deeply ashAmed of this Organisation for the very reasons that you have outlined. I am however not ashamed to tell people that I am a Christian. If anybody asks me which denomination. I tell them that I prefer not to say as I disagree with so much of their doctrine. I am a christian through and through and will only go by that name from now on as I feel totally comfortable with that, I will encourage them to read their bibles and let the holy spirit direct them in the way they should go.
I will never be ashamed of my lord Jesus Christ and will tell others about the good news of the Kingdom. Your experinece is an example of how mens interpretations and rules have made a mockery of what Jesus taught his followers.
Thank you once agin for your experience
What are your favourite Lily Allen songs?
by slimboyfat inat the moment for me it's the fear.
i think she's right about the real or the unreal or the hyperreal or whatever it is.. .
'its not fair'
love the video