In my daily reading of the KJV bible, I came across the scripture at Gal 4:17.
In reading in context, it would appear that anyone who did not agree with the Galation congregation and their teachings would be excluded. Apparently there were a number of infuential individuals who were harking back to the mosaic law and that Christians in that congregation were to fall in line otherwise they were out on their ear (excluded); - a my way or the highway attitude that seemed to be manifesting itself, something that Paul was trying to address.
It is incredible to think that this very thing is happening throughout the Congregations of Jehovahs Witnesses worlwide you must accept without question the societies teachings and interpretation of scripture for fear of being excluded (disfellowshipped). The fear of being excluded prevents many from pursuing truth because you will be perceived to be an enemy just as Paul was viewed by some of these influential ones within the Galatian Congregation (Gal 4:16). We are unable to talk openly as to what we consider to be truths, but rather continue to tow the line by slaving for the WT Org, a form of zeal that is only acceptable to them.
Can anyone else see the parallels?