I have just done my usual nightly scan of active topics that catch my eye and have to say I am astonished at what has happened in London. I went to Mill Hill Bethel a couple of times as had been invited there by the couple who studied with myself and my sister.
You might not think it, but you were very courageous to stand up for what you believed. I wish I had that same courage. I guess fear of being disfellowshipped and then shunned is the main factor why thousands of people like myself are trapped in an organisation that exerts so much control in our lives, which I am sure you will be aware of.
Strangely enough tonight I spoke to my wife about the context of 1 cor 11:18-34 (I daily study the bible and hardly read the WTbts publications anymore). I explained in great detail to my wife the context of this portion of scripture which I am sure you are very well aware off. This portion of scripture explains itself; yet the society have twisted it to teach that only the holy ones are to partake of the emblems (because Jesus is only mediator to the 144000 of course)
For years I have believed that Christ is mediator to all who choose to follow him as clearly mentioned in scripture; and am increasingly finding it more and more offensive the societies teaching that Jesus is mediator to the 144000 only.
Funnily enough, as I was speaking to her, I was very expressive and almost showing zeal for what I was trying to explain. The society have got this very wrong and am sure that they are struggling with this teaching, particularly in light of their latest change (yet again) in their teaching of 'this generation' which will be brought out in the April WT this year (if the source is correct).
I wish I had the same courage as you and the others involved. I wish you all the best in your new path in life, and pray that the the Holy Spirit continue to guide you into real Godly truth.
Take care