Watch the following video from 6 minutes 50 seconds to find out.
A woman wrote to the guy refuting his research. Here is his reply to back up his proof.
watch the following video from 6 minutes 50 seconds to find out..
a woman wrote to the guy refuting his research.
here is his reply to back up his proof..
Watch the following video from 6 minutes 50 seconds to find out.
A woman wrote to the guy refuting his research. Here is his reply to back up his proof.
i still go to the meetings because of my in wife and it came about that the elders knew of my pissed off attitude about the society getting involved in the un.
so the elders said they could help me get over that and wanted to meet with me.
now just to let you know, i have only told my wife and her mom so far about it, that's it.
The elders bury their heads in the sand when confronted with real truth, facts and nonsensical policies. Why? Because they are afraid to rock the boat. They are afraid to go down the rabbit hole and see for themselves. Many may already know these things, but push them to the back of their mind (cognitive dissonance).
at the end of the meeting an elder, by way of announcements said there is a new blood document that he said would be passed out to every baptized member of the congregation by way of their service group overseer.
i knew this day was coming, just had no idea of when.
he said it was a simplified version and sure to make you sign up for suicide.
The elders need to be careful they do not pressure people into signing the advance decision. The law here in the UK says that the advance decision is only valid if you have filled it in of your own accord/voluntarily without undue influence or pressure from anyone.
The only thing the elders can say is that there are advance decisions available within the KH. If they pressure people by going up to them directly asking if they have filled them in or asking for a copy, this may deem the document invalid by the medical profession.
Note: I am surprised they still hand them out in some places. They don't do that here. You have to go to the book room to collect one. This is likely due to the laws around advance decisions.
update on mouthy (grace gough)this is graces granddaughter.
i wanted to send an update that today my beautiful grandmother passed away - surrounded by friends and family.
- may 22 1927 - sept 2nd 2016. mouthys_granddaughter.
Really sad to hear. RIP mouthy
2016 medical documents!..
re: simplified advance decision document.
I might add also. You can simply refuse to fill in the orgs advance decision and make up your own under NHS policy. You only need a piece of paper and a pen to jot down your wishes regarding refusal of trearments, and one witness to sign. It's your body, your life, your decision; Nobody elses
2016 medical documents!..
re: simplified advance decision document.
In the Uk, The advance decision must be voluntary - meaning you make an informed decision without harassment from anyone. It is only valid if a person has made a decision of their own accord. They cannot be pressured by family, friends etc. If you have been pressured into filling out the advance decision, then it is questionable whether the document you hold in your hand is valid. See NHS - Advance decision - online
i have looked around and i don't see this covered, so i am starting a thread.. 1) the new "blood card" goes beyond being just a "blood card".. 2) a new edict concerning compliance.. pay attention to the changes.. first, the new card is termed "advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment".
the big change with the card itself is that it includes an 'override' of your "power of attorney".
this is huge.
OK. Had to resurrect this thread. As I was walking out the door to go to meeting, my wife drops a bomb shell. She said 'Oh, I forgot to mention Yoda (not real name ; aka Cong sec) has been chasing her to get copies of our medical cards! I said WHAT!! Well he isn't getting mine. That is undue influence etc. She said look, I don't want to hear it. She knows my views all to well. As we drive up to the KH, I said you could have told me sooner to give me time as to what to do.
So I am sitting in the hall thinking what do I do. So I slip my wallet into my suit jacket. That way if Yoda approaches and asks for my card, I play dumb and say ' sure....then reach for my pocket.....and say oh I must have left my wallet at home silly me and put off for a while.
As it turns out Yoda didn't ask me. However, another elder came up and asked me specifically if I had filled out my advance medical which I replied I had. I was then expecting him to ask I give him it to photocopy, but he didn't ask. Phew!
Looks like they are pushing it. Anyone else been pressured just now?
for those who've never read these incredible books by our friend ray franz.. here are links for both.
happy reading!.
A great help would be if those of us who have coc and have read it could put it in their local library. That's how I read the book. , Which was at the time like having gold dust in my hand. That way loads of people get a chance to read it
aaaaaand .
.. it offers absolutely nothing new.. from questions from readers in the december 2016 study edition watchtower:.
"is it proper for a brother todayto have a beard?in some cultures, a neat beardmay be acceptable and may notdetract from the kingdom mes-sage.
This is what I think of the Governing Body's no beards policy!
i'm sure we've all heard this argument by theists employing the fine-tuning argument.
are you aware, however, of exactly how much this "little bit" really is?
theists would have us think that the slightest change in the distance would have drastic implications for survivability.
Maybe just maybe the earth IS the centre of the universe ie the earth is flat!