To clarify, what I said refers to the author of the quoted article--not to NoStoneCutters.
JoinedPosts by GLTirebiter
Confessions of a Paid Disinformation Internet Shill
by NoStonecutters in(this is the story of a man who, due to economically hard times, accepted a job as an internet disinformation shill.
after only 6 months, he resigned.
he was no longer was able to look himself in the mirror.
Confessions of a Paid Disinformation Internet Shill
by NoStonecutters in(this is the story of a man who, due to economically hard times, accepted a job as an internet disinformation shill.
after only 6 months, he resigned.
he was no longer was able to look himself in the mirror.
An interesting article. The irony is, can you trust a tell-all article written by somebody claiming to be a reformed paid liar? IOW, is the quoted article itself the work of a paid shill trying to score brownie points with the moderators? We have no way to know!
JW Tragic murder was by JW
by snare&racket in
how sad......
Thinking of becoming a JW.
by Kate82 inhi,.
i am new to here so please be bear with me.. i have always believed in god, but was never baptised, my parents wanted me to make up my own mind religon wise.. i am thinking of becoming a jw and am just needing some advice on how to do this, bible study and jw beliefs.
also do jw say grace and how.. i am greatful of any help.. thanks.
I am still struggling with my depression and guess im looking for a loving "family" to help me through.
Please recognize that you are in a vulnerable position right now, and avoid making decisions you may regret later. You could be influenced by what is called "love bombing", responding to the attention you receive. By this I don't mean to imply bad faith; it is the combination of new-found attention and your vulnerable emotional state making you react to attention in a ways that do not reflect your true self
When you are hurting inside and need somebody to talk to, it's too easy to deny your doubts just to maintain the relationship with your new companion. Stay aware of what is best for your long-term interest, and strong enough to follow that path.
Good luck to you, Kate, and welcome aboard!
Please read
by JeffT inmy father passed around 9 this morning.
he'd been in poor health for some time, but it still comes as a shock to have him gone.
we are going to miss him terribly.
Jeff, I am sorry for your loss. Your father made a real difference in the world. All of us are better off becaise of his accomplishments.
Jehovah's Witnesses Are----(fill in the blank)
by minimus injehovah's witnesses are what???
this should be fun!.
Difficult to understand, while much in need of our understanding.
Thinking of becoming a JW.
by Kate82 inhi,.
i am new to here so please be bear with me.. i have always believed in god, but was never baptised, my parents wanted me to make up my own mind religon wise.. i am thinking of becoming a jw and am just needing some advice on how to do this, bible study and jw beliefs.
also do jw say grace and how.. i am greatful of any help.. thanks.
do JW say grace and how
Some I have known do, some don't. One former brother-in-law did so in the company cafeteria, but silently: you wouldn't know if he was JW, Protestant, Catholic, Muslim or Jewish, only that he was praying silently.
When said aloud, such as at congregation "get-togethers" or big family dinners, I noticed that the prayer before meals was only partly about giving thanks for "our daily bread", and always included a long mention of the congregation, etc. Also, no Witness I have known called it "grace": that's too much like what "worldly" people following "christendom" do. It was "Will brother Smith lead us in prayer", never "Will sister Jones please say grace". The genders in those statements was deliberate; I don't recall a woman witness ever leading a prayer.
BTW, they usually won't say "JW". They refer to themselves "Witnesses", "the brothers", "the sisters", "the friends", "the truth", "the society", etc.: insiders' language.
10 Things You'll Never Hear at a Kingdom Hall
by Scully in(originally posted by armageddon1975 on yahoogroups).
"a donation to a charity.
good idea.".
"Remember: blood represents life, and 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.' Please sign up to 'lay down your life' at our congregation blood drive, right here in the Kingdom Hall at 9 o'clock this Saturday!"
In Jehovah's Witnesses- Elders Have Rights- other JW's Don't- 10/15 WT
by flipper inin the 10/15 watchtower study edition on pg.
12 is the article " what kind of spirit do you show ?
" right away this article starts drawing the line of demarcation in the sand between who has the right to make decisions within jehovah's witnesses and who does not have the right to do so.
This could be likened to a patient who loses out on the benefits of a treatment because he does not like something about the doctors
The benefits of intravenous treatment with a unit of O- ?
In Jehovah's Witnesses- Elders Have Rights- other JW's Don't- 10/15 WT
by flipper inin the 10/15 watchtower study edition on pg.
12 is the article " what kind of spirit do you show ?
" right away this article starts drawing the line of demarcation in the sand between who has the right to make decisions within jehovah's witnesses and who does not have the right to do so.
some individuals ... have refused to appear before a committee of elders assigned to help them.
Those who came to Jesus for counseling and forgiveness came of their own volition. He taught, He called to conversion, but He did not compel anybody to appear before Him. Repentance comes from within, not from the demands of a committee.