It's a close call between Jimmy Kimmel and David Letterman.
JoinedPosts by GLTirebiter
What's The Worst TV Program ?
by minimus in2 broke girls is the worst show on tv.
the acting is terrible.. what show do you avoid??.
What naughty things are JWs allowed to do?
by usualusername inin most healthy societies people are allowed to do naughty things without feelings of guilt.. .
what naughty things can jws do?.
my naughtiest moment was rounding up 55mins to an hr in my ministry!
Marvin hit it on the head with #2 and #5. This goes beyond naughty; it is downright wicked to be such a parasite!
2. Tell people they abstain from blood and then accept boatloads of blood product from the donor blood supply.
5. Claim to love thy neighbor but refuse to donate blood for their neighbors as their neighbors donate for them.
This thread is for people that do not really understand the control mechanisms of the Watchtower Society
by Iamallcool inplease feel free to explain the control mechanisms of the watchtower society.
thank you!.
Conditional love, turning a positive emotion into a tool of manipulation. "If you really loved me [Jehovah], then you would..."
did any of you jW read orwells 1984 or Animal Farm
by nonjwspouse inread them while you werre still active and didn't know ttatt yet?.
i am wonderiing about your thoughts, and did you read, recognise, anything that disturbed you, familiariaties.
did you notice them?.
My darling daughter the witness read Animal Farm in high school. We discussed it while riding in the car. I bit my tongue and didn't ever mention the Watchtower; that would have closed her Theocratically Trained ears and mind instantly. We did talk about the gradual tightening of control, how the doctrines were quietly changed, how "all animals are created equal" was appended with "but some are more equal than others", how the zealous hard workers were taken advantage of and discarded when they wore out, and the leaders' change from reformers to tyrants.
Working on a Sunday.
by LouBelle inwell i wouldn't really call it hard work, but i have to come into the office and sit and wait for the phone to ring.
i work every 3rd weekend and it really is unpleasant.
9 hours each day with nothing to do but wait for the phone to ring.
I see the spammer is working on Sunday, too!
Kermit Gosnell, MD.
by Glander inhe is accused of performing "abortions" after the birth of live babies.
where does planned parenthood stand on this case?.
I'm not surprised that he chose not to testify himself; it's risky for a defendant to expose himself to cross-examination by an experienced prosecutor. But to call no witnesses at all, no former co-workers, no prior clients, no character witnesses, no outside experts for the defense? That is unusual, especially when capital punshment is a possibility!
The Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA) [WARNING]
by Simon inuncensored discussions and information for anyone interested in the advocates for awareness of watchtower abuses or 'aawa' (previously known as "the association of anti-watchtower activists and how it's handled and responded to privacy issues and put people at risk:.
aawa is here!!
(the association of anti-watchtower activists)an invitation to a new effort- aawawhy when i logged onto aawa did it go to facebook ?in regards to aawaaawa - every generation needs a new revolution - thomas jeffersonnotice how the introduction of the aawa has brought out the loonies lately?will aawa become another cult?
Terry! Thank you for knowing how to disagree without being disagreeable.
Why do JWs get married at a young age?
by XPeterX inages like 20-25 or younger.i mean damn,a 21 year old guy in my congo got baptised a couple weeks back and now his in a relationship with a jw gal and their getting married soon.any thoughts?.
It had everything to do with my parents.
I suspect that's often the case, Magwitch. Marriage is about the only honorable way (per the WT) to escape power-mad JW parents. The choices available to "worldly" children are grounds to be DF'ed: whether it's college, cohabitation, the Army, Peace Corps, or a decent full time job in another state, you'll be breaking one or more of the Watchtower taboos. What other choice is there, Bethel? No, thank you!
JW teen must have transfusion: Judge rules
by Tiktaalik in
17 year old jw has been ordered by the court to undergo a transfusion if his doctors deem it necessary.
His father wrote a scripture on a hospital whiteboard that he said proved that god forbade blood transfusions.
The doctor should write "Exodus 20:13" and "Deut 5:17" on the white board, along with a big red "X" through the Watchtower quote.
Controversial essay- cull 20% of the poor.
by fulltimestudent ina controversial essay is part of aussie news today.. the essence of it is that the state needs to kill about 20% of the poorest in the community, to fix its financial problems.
it is, of course, claimed to be 'tongue-in-cheek,' but is there a sound basis to the concept?
i sound very right-wing in saying that, but i live opposite a boarding house that is full of people who, i guess, would be prime candidates for the cull.
why not cull 20% of the wealthy, and redistribute their wealth back to the bottom.
Pol Pot tried that. It didn't turn out well for Cambodia.