Hi Zidd! Where's my baby blanket??? lol, Im teasing. Six, I liked your advice...thanks
Update: just to go a lil off topic, I just heard through a friend that my sister thats shunning me is in her 2nd trimester of pregancy. Nice. Nobody told me. My friend said it was just announced on Facebook. Nice. Ohhhhh the glories of shunning.
Anyway, thankfully, my uncle *did* contact me (before I was able to call him) and said he wanted to carve out some time to spend with me & my hubby. I ended up dropping by yesterday around 1p, but he was out with my sister at some jw's house. My father, whose an elder, asked to speak with me. I was asked if I had any desire to reconcile with my sister and husband, since it puts everyone in an awkward position. Apparently, sis's husband was furious that we came over Sunday night for my uncle's arrival. Brother-in-Law was so angry that they had to stay downstairs (it was their choice!!!! They could've joined and we would've been civil!!!). And he thinks my family shouldn't have allowed me & hubby to be there.
WTF....Im so glad (NOT) that he is trying to meddle in the way my own family treats me. It's not enough that he's making my sister shun me...now he's trying to convince the rest of my family to start shunning as well. He told my dad that I gave my sister apostate literature 2 years ago, and that I am trying to have my cake and eat it too. I want to be worldly and yet still have association with my family. (UMMMM, YES. THAT *IS* WHAT I WANT AND FEEL SHOULD BE OKAY). 1st off, how are you supposed to have a conversation with a jw, stating your views of why you no longer believe, without sounding like an apostate? Its impossible. I told my father that I had given my sister some stuff I'd written down to discuss with her, but that every single item I wrote down had references from their own literature. EVERY SINGLE THING. How can he say it was apostate literature when it's THEIR literature??! Jeeeeez, it was 2 years ago, so I can't even remember exactly what it was. But I knew that, if I were to give them "apostate" literature, they'd surely shun me. My intent was *NOT* to be shunned, so I was sure to use ONLY their literature to show why I believe the way I do now. And I didn't have anger in my tone....I was loving and respectful.
Now I'm trying to figure out how to get it across to B-I-L that he needs to quit telling people that I gave them apostate literature. I wish that burr under my saddle B-I-L would just get outta the picture. Ugh.