TTO, you need help.
Maybe you can post the mansions the Bros at the WTBS live in, and tell all how much money elders and COs make. heh
AND, why not post how the Churches did things 100 years ago?
But that would be too honest.
My bad.
christ's true followers (5).
true christians (3).
TTO, you need help.
Maybe you can post the mansions the Bros at the WTBS live in, and tell all how much money elders and COs make. heh
AND, why not post how the Churches did things 100 years ago?
But that would be too honest.
My bad.
christ's true followers (5).
true christians (3).
TTO- Stop trying to usurp Christ, who is Judge.
It is not THEY, that pervert every beautiful truth about God and Christ, promoting 3 Sadistic Lords, involved in politics and warfare, conning people of their money, and endless pretense!
CHURCHianity is the one yoiu should belittle!
christ's true followers (5).
true christians (3).
Wehave NOTHING to "boast" about- except the love of the ONLY True God!
So, wrong again, H!
i'm one of the few jws that freely admit our faults and mistakes.. let's compare notes!.
WLG, I do not "PROTECT" my Brotherhood- only sahre their goal; to glorify Chriost- and his God!
I protect Bible TRUTH, to the best of my ability, and prefer to focus on scripture, rather than people!
Unless YOU are the pinnacle of truth and wisdom! heh
the watchtower has been known for over 130 years as a great scriptural cherry-picker.
they pick out disparate unrelated verses and combine them to support the wackiest of wacky doctrines.. on the other hand there are many scriptures they almost never address, whether because they contradict wt doctrine or because they simply don't have a clue what they mean or how to spin them to the wt advantage.. one of these is revelation 19:1 that mentions a "great crowd" "in heaven.
" the only time it is ever brought up it is dismissed.
WP, if one cannot understand the basics, they have no CHANCE with Revelation- as you illustrate so well!
Why change the subject being discussed? The LORD referred to there is God's SON, NOT the Father...
the watchtower has been known for over 130 years as a great scriptural cherry-picker.
they pick out disparate unrelated verses and combine them to support the wackiest of wacky doctrines.. on the other hand there are many scriptures they almost never address, whether because they contradict wt doctrine or because they simply don't have a clue what they mean or how to spin them to the wt advantage.. one of these is revelation 19:1 that mentions a "great crowd" "in heaven.
" the only time it is ever brought up it is dismissed.
Rev 18:7- Give her as much torment and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself.
In her heart she boasts, 'I sit enthroned as queen.
>>>I am <<<<<< [let's CAP this, as translators did with John 8:58!]
I AM not a widow;I will never mourn.'
The SAME GREEK TERM as in John 8 :58 ( there are many others)- and there are NO CAPS in the Koine Greek. So, windbag, is Babylon the Great ALSO God?
the watchtower has been known for over 130 years as a great scriptural cherry-picker.
they pick out disparate unrelated verses and combine them to support the wackiest of wacky doctrines.. on the other hand there are many scriptures they almost never address, whether because they contradict wt doctrine or because they simply don't have a clue what they mean or how to spin them to the wt advantage.. one of these is revelation 19:1 that mentions a "great crowd" "in heaven.
" the only time it is ever brought up it is dismissed.
OK, MS- here'a an EXAMPLE. Let's see just how HONEST you really are...or aren't.
Please get one of your kids so that they can READ it to you...Back in a minute!
i'm one of the few jws that freely admit our faults and mistakes.. let's compare notes!.
DP- a Strong Faith trows aside such fears; Jesus and his disciples preached to worse than here!
It's all about the mind and heart; 'planting a seed', even if done as crudely as I, WILL grow- if the heart is right!
And you couldn't be MORE wrong; I AM open to other interpretations- and will WELCOME them ,if it akes any sense. You made the mistake of focusing on Men, rather than God; there will ALWAYS be Pretenders waiting to harm in EVERY religion-until the Day of God's anger!
TUV, thank you for your concern- but NONE of you appear to have EVER been me- for I became a RELUCTANT JW! NEVER taking it all as 'gospel'- except what is TRUE! I always seperate Bible Fact from WT speculation, and, because I have a VERY sharp tongue, the pretenders I have met really regretted trying to scam ME! heh
i'm trying to fade away, but i sometimes find myself in discussions or arguments with jw family/friends/white haired virgin elders.
now, i usually have them beat on things but i'm not very experienced, so i was thinking if you guys could help me put together a list of completely unanswerable questions to pose to my jw friends/family/elders so they can stop bugging me.
if i keep asking them questions they simply cannot answer, then they might leave them alone.
NAC, it's a pleasure to meet you!
Not to "argue" , but to test what you think---- isn't a "burnt offering " a sacrifice?
Hb 11:17-By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had embraced the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, 18- even though God had said to him, "It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned." 19- Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead, and so in a manner of speaking he did receive Isaac back from death.
i'm trying to fade away, but i sometimes find myself in discussions or arguments with jw family/friends/white haired virgin elders.
now, i usually have them beat on things but i'm not very experienced, so i was thinking if you guys could help me put together a list of completely unanswerable questions to pose to my jw friends/family/elders so they can stop bugging me.
if i keep asking them questions they simply cannot answer, then they might leave them alone.
NAC- I don't understand.
Didn't God ASK that?
Gen 22:2- Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you."