"Branch offices supported by donations? Let's see......
Massive layoffs of Bethelites in the US Branch. Printing downsized, equipment sold off
Downsizing in German Branch
Downsizing in Italian Branch
Downsizing in Spanish Branch
All Branch offices in Central America to be shut down, merged with Mexico (despite growth in Latino congregations and more Spanish publications being printed than in English)
Now, the Irish Branch Office gets dumped
Looks like the donations aren't coming in, Alice. I wonder what the Governing Body will cut next?
No matter what they lose, the fraud continues. They never can admit that something is very very wrong with their 'spiritual paradise". Jehovah is closing His Celestial Wallet.
Alice - There was 276,233 baptized in 2009. Reorganization in facility structure doesn't say anything about the organization's expansion. Where did you get your information from? The reason I ask is because brotherdan says they have an extensive cash buffer and should thus have a charity service and you say the funds are drying up. So which is it?
The WT has an extensive real estate inventory worldwide (branches, KH's, Assembly Hall, Brooklyn) that they can tap into at anytime. The closings and probable sale of equipment and branches will supply the WT with cash. Also, they have an arrangement for elderly JW's to sign over their estate when they die. So even without the donations, they are not 'broke'.
It's telling that in these dire economic times, they are choosing to expand their empire in NY and not help the financially, struggling publishers who have contributed their time, energy and money to help build said empire. Even Jesus gave fish and bread to go along with his sermons.